Life and formation Abbas Gharib

1 life , formation

1.1 , adult life
1.2 choice of venice
1.3 education
1.4 professional practice
1.5 design criteria
1.6 shifting social architecture
1.7 approach cinema , music

life , formation
early , adult life

he lived here during 1951

gharib born in teheran , raised in iranian laic family. house family used live situated in old center of traditional part of teheran. completed primary educations in teheran, bersabé primary school, saint luis elementary , ferdowsi middle school.

in 1952 family moved new house in northern part of city resided until 1960 since had diploma hadaf high school. in 1958 made first visit europe , journey in italy decisive him leave native home definitively italy in 1962, enrolled university iuav of venice. stayed in venice until 1973, taking part in educational , artistic city life.

as child , later student, talented geometric , drawing subjects, therefore in adulthood interest architecture. in 1972 married italian architect, sandra villa , marriage had 2 children samì (12 january 1972) sociologist , leila (28 february 1983), musician

the choice of venice

in may 1958, @ end of extensive travel through main european capitals , cities, gharib, aged sixteen, made first stay italy, rome, impressed beauty of city , richness of art , architecture heritage. in 1960, therefore, returned europe, principally italy, moving through peninsula north south , venice. beauty of venice , cultural , artistic lifestyle, in presence of creative figures peggy guggenheim, lucio fontana, allen ginsberg, ezra pound, carlo scarpa in sixties , seventies, influenced him such extent decided settle there, moving away original area of intellectual life in teheran: decision basic consecutive formation.


april 1965, le corbusier

university iuav of venice, italy

he studied architecture @ university iuav of venice, in 1969 became qualified in urban planning sector in 1969 never abandoned interest in architectural projects , design. dual interest evident in practice. in eighties, shifted two-dimensional evaluation of projects three-dimensional evaluation of complex perspectives. influential topic in post graduate self-formation, liberating him modernist crisscross grid towards unconfined volumes characterized transparency, fluidity, flexibility , smooth dynamics curving surfaces.

professional practice

gharib became licensed architect in 1969 , practiced in venice until 1973. in 1981, 1974 1980, after experiences outside of italy, in 1981 opened office in verona, italy, under name of studio gharib, architecture & design. of 2015, gharib still works @ firm, reinventing built environment, under guidance of sustainable , innovative architectural spatiality. design method in studio turned out fluid , meta-metric, opposed abstract methods , metric process of modernism. in fact, multiple sequences of spatial sections , successions of constructive models have replaced flat , static drawings.

the studio, in collaboration professional individuals, ventured wide range of disciplines, striving break boundaries imposed traditional professional constraints. unconventional approach design produced spirit of independence, reflected in research , carried out in works created studio. forms of spaces , of objects reflected in numerous designs architectural competitions, professional projects , buildings, evidencing true multi-disciplinary approach.

design criteria

gharib has gradually distanced himself modern movement design methods, considering them abstract , self-referential, , oriented himself towards post-contemporary movement , complexity theory.

these, in view, have closer relationship shifting apparatus of context, aware these components, interacting politics, economies, science, technology , social movements, generate sophisticated results require complex solutions. studio transitioned traditional notions of modern rationalism concept of anthropo-geo-morpho-genesis, i.e., concepts of morphology , topography advanced science of morphing , topology. consequence of transformation of design criteria, both architectural spaces, urban planning , physical objects, design based on renewed attention interactive relationships between space , surrounding context. recognition of interactive dynamics between nature , culture, between social , economical components of context, has been accompanied digital integration of projects tridimensional spaces in place of linear, flat , two-dimensional projections typical of modernist methods.

shifting social architecture

the pritzker architecture prize of 2014 awarded japanese architect, shigeru ban, former superstars, takes him among firsts move towards social architecture , share new trends in architectural planning. alarm bell superstars of architecture think life style of social architecture instead of personal styles.

for renovated approach of studio in italy, method of creativity stands in promotion of design solutions able feed urban regeneration cultural, inventive, educational , functional diversities fertile new languages, , lifestyles, without following repetition mannerist projects , produce, believing that, creative solutions fed talent of environmental components rather of designers

his role in evolving method of creative development in tenstar community association proposes through development of integrated set of creative disciplines, education transforms urban regeneration in added value through interaction of creative disciplines. added value allows users of projects meet operational needs in area renovated sustainable long-term economy based on use of knowledge (knowledge based production) rather on dispersion of energy (energy based production).

approach cinema , music

as 1 of founders of tenstar community, multidisciplinary cultural association, particularly involved association s sectors such cinema, music visual arts , photography beside architecture , urban regeneration. these involvements happen designing workshops , events these disciplines or being invited jury in film festivals such san giò film festival , being active in workshops such extraordinary 1 iranian director abbas kiarostami, was, awarded tenstar community cinematography prize 2015: “why cinema”


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