Description of route Main North railway line, New South Wales

pacific national 92 class locomotives hauling coal train on hunter river @ singleton

wallangarra station

the line swings westwards 4 tracks; 2 main line , 2 coal roads traverse outer suburbs of newcastle maitland. maitland junction of north coast line continues brisbane , main north line. line becomes double track west of maitland , heads through upper hunter valley townships of branxton, singleton , muswellbrook double track ends.

muswellbrook junction point former cross country line sandy hollow , gulgong. main north continues northwards through ardglen tunnel werris creek, mungindi line branches off moree, , former cross country branch continues binnaway , dubbo.

sunnyside rail bridge on tenterfield creek has fallen disrepair, 2015

the line continues north, sees limited traffic beyond werris creek. line reaches major new england towns of tamworth , armidale, latter being northernmost extent of service on line. until mid-2000s freight traffic continued disused station @ dumaresq home now-also-disused agricultural fertilizer depot. there wire across corridor @ several points between armidale , dumaresq, after line closed. block placed across tracks short distance dumaresq, @ 590 kilometre mark. north of glen innes line, , particularly bridges, have fallen disrepair. in december 1991 line severed when roads & traffic authority built deviation of new england highway on line @ bluff rock south of tenterfield. @ wallangarra, line met queensland railways southern railway line.


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