Annual seminars Nordic Business Forum

1 annual seminars

1.1 nordic business forum 2011: strength responsible choices
1.2 nordic business forum 2012: growth
1.3 nordic business forum 2013: leadership
1.4 nordic business forum 2014: forward
1.5 nordic business forum 2015: impact

annual seminars
nordic business forum 2011: strength responsible choices

nordic business forum 2011 concentrated on responsibility. main topic strength responsible choices , 1800 seats sold out. main speaker former vice president of u.s. al gore.

nordic business forum 2012: growth

sir richard branson

in 2012 main theme of nordic business forum growth, sub-themes business growth, personal growth , growth of well-being.

the speakers included:

sir richard branson
brian tracy
daniel pink
hans rosling
peter vesterbacka
taneli tikka
jari sarasvuo
anne berner
esa saarinen

nordic business forum 2013: leadership

nordic business forum 2013 gathered on 3,300 guests under 1 roof. seminar sold out end of february 2012, 7 months prior actual event date.

the main theme of nordic business forum 2013 leadership. sub-topics included self-leadership, sales leadership , innovation leadership.

the speakers included:

jack welch
tom peters
jimmy wales
malcolm gladwell
lynda gratton
vijay govindarajan
alexander stubb
alf rehn
jari sarasvuo
petri parvinen
henkka hyppönen

nordic business forum 2014: forward

nordic business forum 2014 gathered on 5,300 guests exhibition & convention center in helsinki. first time seminar organized in helsinki. seminar sold out 4 months prior event. in addition attendees on spot, there hundreds of people watching seminar through live stream.

the main theme of nordic business forum 2014 forward. sub-topics included choosing excellence, building future , growing purpose.

the speakers included:

james c. collins
arnold schwarzenegger
sir alex ferguson
dambisa moyo
sir ken robinson
matti alahuhta
tony fernandes
soulaima gourani

nordic business forum 2015: impact

the nordic business forum 2015 held 1–2 october, in helsinki exhibition , convention center, in finland.

the speakers include:

ben bernanke
arianna huffington
simon sinek
guy kawasaki
keith cunningham
garry kasparov
nilofer merchant
john c. maxwell


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