Discography Pink Lincolns

1 discography

1.1 studio albums
1.2 live albums
1.3 eps
1.4 split eps
1.5 compilations
1.6 other contributions

studio albums

live albums


split eps


other contributions

1987: have-a-tampa (pop records)
1992: blame , burn (flush records)
1994: punk usa (lookout! records)
1995: water music (just add water records)
1996: welcome florida... (stiff pole records)
1996: rational enquirer (rational inquirer)
1997: more bounce ounce (lookout! records)
1997: show , tell - stormy remembrance of tv theme tunes (which records?)
1999: called punk rock life (melted records)
1999: v.m.l. live (liberation records)
2008: goodbye sanity ep teenage rehab (jailhouse records) - chris barrows guest vocals
2009: let s enemies teenage rehab(jailhouse records) - chris barrows lyric contributions
2009: people bad spears (jailhouse records) - chris barrows vocalist
2009: shove spears (jailhouse records) - chris barrows vocalist


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