Economy and communications Archipelago Sea

a cable ferry in winter

map of archipelago sea east of Åland

the islands enjoy high standard of living comparable of continental finland. fishing , fish processing major industries. archipelago known baltic herring , rainbow trout products. agriculture limited small size , rocky nature of islands. however, climate more favourable in continental finland , islands, particularly rymättylä, famous in nearby continental areas producing first new potatoes of summer. significance of tourism economy of islands increasing.

the islands linked bridges , ferries, , in case of Åland, small airport. ferries divided 2 categories: road ferries (landsvägsfärja or färja in swedish, lautta or lossi in finnish) free of charge , operate on short routes between adjacent (large) islands. raft-like in construction , operated road administration. small ones cable ferries (kabelfärja in swedish, lossi in finnish), bigger ones not use cables (and called lautta in finnish). other ferries (förbindelsefartyg in swedish, yhteysalus in finnish) more ship-like in construction, operated maritime administration , may charge small fee. operate on longer routes covering several smaller or more distant islands. there large commercially operated cruiseferries connecting finnish cities of turku , helsinki Åland , sweden.

during cold winters official ice roads established between islands. common drive on ice islands lacking official ice roads. eases transportation, makes possible drive car (or heavy van if ice thick) continent islands. on other hand, during spring , autumn there period of thaw (menföre in swedish, kelirikko in finnish) when ice thin walking, thick boating. can leave islands lacking pier large ships isolated days or weeks. access hydrocopter, hovercraft or helicopter.

many important shipping lanes cross archipelago sea. navigation made hazardous labyrinthine archipelago, varying depth , numerous skerries. reason islands dotted lighthouses of varying sizes , navigational marks. maritime pilot services maintained state.

archipelago ring road

the inhabited islands in eastern archipelago in southwest finland connected archipelago ring road. there approximately 160 to 190 kilometres (99–118 miles) of public roads , 30 to 50 kilometres (19–31 miles) of waterways along ring road. city of turku considered starting point of road. route goes through following municipalities, villages, islands , island groups:

there shorter version of route, so-called small ring road , utilizes ferry connection between rymättylä (part of naantali) , nagu, skipping numbers 4-11 in list above. length of small ring road approximately 125 km.

the ring road traveled car or bicycle. of ferries along road free, ferries between houtskar , iniö charge small fee. possible cover ring road in 1 day car, travellers spend @ least 1 night along way. approximately 20 000 tourist travel ring road every year. main tourist season june august. principal tourist attraction scenery , nature along way, significant sights include louhisaari manor , several medieval churches.


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