Biopesticides Pesticide

biopesticides types of pesticides derived such natural materials animals, plants, bacteria, , minerals. example, canola oil , baking soda have pesticidal applications , considered biopesticides. biopesticides fall 3 major classes:

microbial pesticides consist of bacteria, entomopathogenic fungi or viruses (and includes metabolites bacteria or fungi produce). entomopathogenic nematodes classed microbial pesticides, though multi-cellular.
biochemical pesticides or herbal pesticides naturally occurring substances control (or monitor in case of pheromones) pests , microbial diseases.
plant-incorporated protectants (pips) have genetic material other species incorporated genetic material (i.e. gm crops). use controversial, in many european countries.

^ coombs, amy. fighting microbes microbes . scientist. retrieved 18 april 2013. 
^ francis borgio j, sahayaraj k , alper susurluk (eds) . microbial insecticides: principles , applications, nova publishers, usa. 492pp. isbn 978-1-61209-223-2
^ pal, gk; kumar, b (2013). antifungal activity of common weed extracts against wilt causing fungi, fusarium oxysporum (pdf). current discovery. international young scientist association applied research , development. 2 (1): 62–67. issn 2320-4400. retrieved february 8, 2014. 
^ national pesticide information center last updated november 21, 2013 plant incorporated protectants (pips) / genetically modified plants


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