In Greek and Roman religion Worship of angels

^ aggelos 4. in later philosophy, semi-divine being, “ἡλιακοὶ ἄ.” jul.or.4.141b, cf. iambic mysteries 2.6, procl. in r.2.243 k.; “ἄ. καὶ ἀρχάγγελοι”, cf., al.: in mystical , magical writings, herm. ap. stob.1.49.45, pmag.lond.46.121, etc. in liddell, h.g. greek-english lexicon. oxford. clarendon press. 1940.
^ pagan monotheism in late antiquity: polymnia athanassiadi, michael frede p19
^ james r. davila provenance of pseudepigrapha: jewish, christian, or other? p29
^ a.r.r. sheppard ”pagan cults of angels in roman asia minor,” talanta 12-13 [1980-81]: 77-101 = seg 31 1130)
^ clinton e. arnold, colossian syncretism: interface between christianity , folk belief @ colossae, grand rapids: baker, 1996
^ hasan malay, “ΦΙΛΑΝΠΙΛΟΙ in phrygia , lydia,” epigraphica anatolica 38 (2005) 42–44.


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