Individual birds Middle-earth animals

1 individual birds

1.1 carc
1.2 gwaihir
1.3 roäc
1.4 thorondor

individual birds

an intelligent raven lived upon ravenhill beneath lonely mountain in days of king thrór. , mate nested above guard-chamber there. carc fathered roäc, featured in hobbit in t.a. 2788.


one of great eagles, gwaihir perhaps best known rescuing gandalf tower of orthanc, ending gandalf s captivity saruman. also, gwaihir rescued gandalf after battle balrog in moria. he, brother landroval, , meneldor accompanied gandalf rescue sam , frodo mount doom @ end of war of ring.


the son of carc raven, born in t.a. 2788. time of quest of erebor organised thorin ii oakenshield, roäc had become leader of great ravens of lonely mountain, although stated getting blind, hardly fly, , top of head bald. , flock s help, thorin s company gathered news , communicated dáin ii ironfoot before battle of 5 armies.


the lord of eagles in first age, said in silmarillion mightiest of birds have ever been , wingspan of thirty fathoms (54.9 meters, or 180 feet) , beak of gold. name translates sindarin, elven tongue devised tolkien, king of eagles ; cognate form in quenya, elven language, sorontar. led eagles during of appearances in silmarillion, , has significant role of own.

thorondor first enters narrative when helped elven-prince fingon rescue kinsman maedhros imprisonment upon thangorodrim. after dagor bragollach, saved fingolfin s body defilement slayer morgoth, giving dark lord scar on face , carrying elven-king s corpse encircling mountains north of gondolin, buried turgon. shortly afterwards, thorondor espied húrin , huor @ feet of mountains, , sent 2 of servants fetch them , bear gondolin, fulfilling intentions of vala ulmo. thorondor , 2 other eagles rescued lúthien , wounded beren doors of angband during quest of silmaril, taking them doriath.


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