Oni List of Hell Teacher Nūbē characters

1 oni

1.1 oni no te (baki)
1.2 zekki
1.3 minki


the oni within nūbē extremely powerful demon creature literally come depths of hell cause havoc , destruction upon our world. unlike many oni depictions within popular japanese culture, these oni hybrid combination of classic horned loin-cloth being , western devil beasts claws, horns , immense strength , demonic powers. of oni, particularly oni no te , connections, beings eight-tiered hell, various devils , demonic beings become more powerful deeper head. demon trio come 6th tier of hell, shonetsu (焦熱, translates scorching heat , in combination 焦熱地獄, shonetsu jigoku, can stand inferno or burning hell). each 1 has climbed way through upper levels of hell until have reached passage human world: near spinning sphere in playground of doumori elementary.

oni no te (baki)

the first , possibly powerful of oni encounter, being living nūbē s left hand beginning of series. sealed under black glove, being unleashed whenever teacher needs it, allowing him access greater extent of spiritual power through demonic limb. while beast appears under nūbē s control @ first, oni starts having life of own , unleashing tremendous full power. , while teacher himself exorcist, cannot control oni on own, lead him being controlled , devoured. key control lies inside oni itself, in spirit of former teacher minako-sensei, locked away within demon after tragic sacrifice save former student. uses own spiritual power hold oni, allowing nube access power without becoming consumed it; because needed keep beast @ bay, nūbē looking twofold way both control oni once , , free former teacher imprisonment inside creature has become left hand. later in series, discover eldest (and dim-witted) brother of trio of oni siblings, still extremely powerful if left own devices.

at end of series, became after deeds experienced.


the middle brother of oni trio, zekki (絶鬼) cruel , heartless beings nūbē , allies face. although appears young teenage male, extremely powerful , dangerous being takes pleasure in killing gets in way: male or female, young or old. greatest peculiarity usage of musical terms (and baton) describe carnage , destruction creates.

zekki comes human world after 3 years of climbing in search of man possesses brother baki: exorcist-teacher nūbē. after thrashing izuna hazuki itako girl, makes easy work of nūbē, yukime , tamamo in order see hidden power teacher supposedly used seal baki in hand. once realized nūbē did not seal brother on own, relying instead on minako s control inside oni, decides stay hand no longer. battles between trio , zekki grew more desperate, nūbē on losing side despite of true demon-sealing bracelet. after sacrifices made nūbē s students, yukime , tamamo, nūbē voluntarily unsealed oni inside hand , apparently consumed baki. retained human heart, however, , after defeating zekki revived mermaid hayame.

voiced by: hikaru midorikawa played by: ryosuke yamada


minki (眠鬼) youngest, destructive (and annoying) female sibling of oni family. although possesses similar power , abilities older brothers baki , zekki, source of (and possibly oni) power comes pair of panties wears. (according legend, of oni s spiritual power comes underwear or loincloth) when accidentally loses panties in human world, forced cross on them back, if means making @ doumori elementary nude in process. although sort of gets them (they being worn perverted ishikawa-sensei), nūbē seizes them and, in strange move, makes oni-girl join class. belief outside panty-powers, minki quiet, nice girl needed learn few things. although seemed rather strange @ first, minki showed protective, kinder side portrayed, protecting classmates nūbē does. @ moment got panties back, minki regained full, demonic power , attitude, fighting against teacher , particularly showing hatred males of class. @ climax of rampage, prepared destroy teacher , school, panties fell off body once again, making drop attack , destroying in process. nūbē saves her, however, believing different other oni , choosing give second chance in human world.

after destroying school , nūbē, minki becomes both valuable student , key ally in battle protect students , fight against intruding enemies , yōkai. although not contain of oni power did panties, have enough play naughty tricks on friends , classmates. (she seem accept them friends, has hard time doing due own circumstances) able assist teacher in valuable way: faces couple enemies force oni no te away him, minki able fuse nūbē allow oni power used him. key difference between , baki s arrangement, though, teacher able use fuller extent of minki s power due theirs being conscious partnership. outside of battle, minki not sees nūbē teacher, big brother well, real big brother sealed in hand. leads rather awkward situations between meaning of being human sibling being oni sibling.

as final note: minki member of oni siblings not have full demonic form. although can exhibit oni appearance such scantly clad appearance , demonic hands , feet, form takes more of human appearance either zekki or baki. (possibly showing influence american comic series witchblade) peculiarly, 2 horn-like protrusions allow formation of long pigtails remain visible both in human , oni forms.


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