Others Stern

illustrations of several kinds of sterns: fig. 21 fantail; fig. 22 transom; fig. 23 compromise ; fig. 24 v stern; fig. 25 round; fig. 26 torpedo; fig. 27 canoe.

none of these 3 main types of stern has vanished modern naval architectural repertoire, , 3 continue utilized in 1 form or different sets of designers , broad spectrum of uses. variations on these basic designs have resulted in outflow of new stern types , names, of itemized here.

the reverse stern, reverse transom stern, sugar-scoop, or retroussé stern kind of transom stern raked backwards (common on modern yachts, rare on vessels before 20th century); vertical transom stern or plumb stern raked neither forward nor back, falls directly taffrail down wing transom. rocket ship stern term extremely angled retroussé stern. double ended ship narrow square counter formed bulwarks or upper deck above head of rudder said have pink stern or pinky stern. torpedo stern or torpedo-boat stern describes kind of stern low rounded shape flat @ waterline, slopes upward in conical fashion towards deck (practical small high-speed power boats shallow drafts).

a costanzi stern type of stern designed use on ocean-going vessels. compromise between spoon-shaped stern found on ocean liners, , flat transom, required fitting azimuth thrusters. design allows improved seagoing characteristics. stern design on queen mary 2, , proposed ss oceanic , eugenio c, both constructed in 1960s.

the constanzi stern of queen mary 2

a lute stern found on inshore craft on sussex, england shore. comprises watertight transom topside planking extended aft form non-watertight counter boarded across fashion timbers curving outward aft transom. working boats , modern replicas have similar form of counter, built water tight described in transom stern section above. these being confused lute sterns lute not watertight, better term needed. chappelle in american small sailing craft refers bermudan boat form of counter, using term square tuck stern describe it. term tuck used in northwest of england area of hull @ sternpost, , bulkhead across counter if 1 fitted.

the fantail stern describes stern has stern starts @ water , widens go upwards. famous on many 19th century tea clippers , ill-fated rms titanic.

a bustle stern refers kind of stern (transom, elliptical, etc.) has large bustle or blister @ waterline below stern prevent stern squatting when getting underway. appears in sailboats, never in power-driven craft.


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