Parks and gardens of the late 20th century .281940.E2.80.931980.29 History of parks and gardens of Paris

square emmanuel-fleury, picturesque landscape garden in 20th arrondissement


square emmanuel fleury (1973) in 20th arrondissement, area of 2.34 hectares, larger of postwar gardens, and, while has sports fields, including course roller sports, more in picturesque napeoleon iii style other postwar gardens, rich flower beds, winding paths, groves of trees , kiosks.

square sainte-odile (1976), in 17th arrondissement, landscape architect jean camand, 1 of first of new model of gardens appeared in 1980s , 1990s; occupying small space (1.13 hectare), divided different spaces, each different style , theme, radically different; next church, includes landscape garden in 1 section; playground in another, picturesque butte pavilion; central basin abstract sculpture; , monument harpist lily laskine.

parc floral de paris (1969)

the garden of japanese pavilion in parc floral de paris

the largest new garden created in paris in second part of 20th century parc floral de paris, covering 31 hectares, built within bois de vincennes in 1969. in 1959 , 1964 park had been site of large international flower show, floralies internationales, , 2 events had been popular city decided make permanent site flower exhibitions. land ceded city military installations within park, , new gardens created under direction of landscape architect daniel collin. new park ensemble of different flower gardens different themes; valley of flowers; garden of contemporary sculptures; water garden; , children s garden, pavilions indoor displays , exhibits of exotic flowers, japanese bonsai , other botanical attractions. garden of 4 seasons added in 1979, flowers in bloom spring until end of autumn. park featured outdoor theater musical events, , small lakes , fountains.

jardin tino-rossi (1975–1980)

the jardin tino-rossi combines promenade along seine , open-air museum of late 20th century sculpture

in 19th century, site of jardin tino-rossi, on quai saint-bernard in 5th arrondissement, had been place wine barrels unloaded barges sale @ nearby halle aux vins. in 1975, government of president valery giscard d estaing decided make quai promenade, featuring rows of plantane trees planted along quai in 19th century, , series of small garden amphitheaters edge of water. in 1980, more ambitious element added; outdoor sculpture garden featuring on fifty works late 20th-century sculptors, including alexander calder, constantin brancusi, , jean arp. while promenade considered success, works of sculpture have suffered on time degradation , vandalism.


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