Works Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger

title page of kapsberger s libro primo d intavolatura di lauto, surviving collection of works lute, depicting von kapsberger coat of arms

kapsberger best remembered composer lute , theorbo. @ least 6 collections published during lifetime, 2 of lost. kapsberger s writing characterized, in toccatas, spontaneous changes, sharp contrasts, unusual rhythmic groupings and, sometimes, passages not conform rules of counterpoint in use @ time. vast majority of contemporary critics praised kapsberger s compositional skill , innovations. among them athanasius kircher, described kapsberger superb genius , attested has penetrated secrets of music. 1 notable exception critic giovanni battista doni, supportive of composer, turned against him unclear reasons , criticised music in print.

some contemporaries, such stefano landi, mentioned kapsberger not meticulous composer as performer. features listed above led modern scholars share view , tend believe kapsberger composer of inferior ability. prominent among these critics lutenist rolf lislevand: in words, kapsberger bad composer fine instrumentalist [...] ideas badly developed, , freely associated 1 another; no real musical discourse built [...] rhythm—even after serious efforts @ fathoming it—wavers between inspired cleverness , total confusion.

regardless of how 1 regards compositional prowess, kapsberger 1 of principal composers of lute , theorbo music during baroque era (together alessandro piccinini) , contributed towards advancing european plucked string instruments of time. also, kapsberger s toccatas may have influenced of girolamo frescobaldi, french lute music would, years later, influence johann jakob froberger s suites.

kapsberger s other music includes 2 collections of instrumental ensemble dances, rare period, , wealth of vocal music, performed during lifetime, critically less acclaimed. kapsberger wrote stage music, lost. surviving work of kind apotheosis sive consecratio ss ignatii et francisci xaverii (1622).


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