Academic publications Oona A. Hathaway

1 academic publications

1.1 co-authored book
1.2 edited volume
1.3 book chapters
1.4 peer-reviewed articles

academic publications
co-authored book

(with scott j. shapiro) (2017) internationalists: how radical plan outlaw war remade world, new york: (simon & schuster).

edited volume

(with harold hongju koh) (2005) foundations of international law , politics. new york: (foundation press).

book chapters

(2014) fighting last war: united nations charter in age of war on terror, in charter of united nations scholarly commentaries , essential historical documents, (joseph lambert & ian shapiro, eds.) (yale university press).
(2012) between power , principle: integrated theory of international law, in role of ethics in international law, (donald earl childress iii, ed.) (cambridge university press).
(2007) hamdan v. rumsfeld: domestic enforcement of international law, in international law stories, (john e. noyes, laura a. dickinson, mark w. janis, eds.) (foundation press).
(2004) promise , limits of international law of torture, in torture: collection, (sanford levinson ed.) (oxford university press).

peer-reviewed articles

(with samuel adelsberg, spencer amdur, philip levitz, freya pitts, , sirine shebaya) (2013) power detain: detention of terrorism suspects after 9/11, 38 yale journal of international law 123.
(with spencer amdur, celia choy, samir deger-sen, haley nix, john paredes, , sally pei) (2013) treaty power: history, scope, , limits, 98 cornell law review 239.
(with aileen nowlan & julia spiegel) (2012) tortured reasoning: intent torture under international , domestic law, 52 virginia journal of international law 791.
(with rebecca crootof, philip levitz, haley nix, aileen nowlan, william perdue, julia spiegel) (2012) law of cyber-attack, 100 california law review 817.
(with rebecca crootof, philip levitz, haley nix, william perdue, chelsea purvis, , julia spiegel) (2012) law governs during armed conflict? relationship between international humanitarian law , human rights law, 96 minnesota law review 1883.
(with sara solow & sabria mcelroy) (2012) international law @ home: enforcing treaties in u.s. courts 37 yale journal of international law 1.
(with sara solow & sabria mcelroy) (2012) international law @ crossroads, 7 yale journal of international affairs 54.
(with scott j. shapiro) (2011) outcasting: enforcement in domestic , international law, 121 yale law journal 252.
(with philip levitz, elizabeth nielsen, aileen nowlan, william perdue, chelsea purvis, sara solow, , julia spiegel) (2011) human rights abroad: when human rights treaty obligations apply extraterritorially?, 43 arizona state law journal 1.
(with bruce ackerman) (2011) limited war , constitution: iraq , crisis of presidential legality, 109 michigan law review 447.
(2010) case promoting democracy through export control, 33 harvard journal of law & public policy 17.
(2009) presidential power on international law: restoring balance, 119 yale law journal 140.
(2008) treaties end: past, present, , future of international lawmaking in united states, 117 yale law journal 1236 (replication files: treaties data table 1, comparative constitutions).
(2008) international delegation , state sovereignty, 71 law , contemporary problems 115.
(2007) why countries commit human rights treaties?, 51 journal of conflict resolution 588.
(with a. lavinbuk) (2006) rationalism , revisionism in international law, 119 harvard law review 1404.
(2005) between power , principle: integrated theory of international law, 72 university of chicago law review 469.
(2004) new empiricism in human rights: insights , implications, 98 american society of international law proceedings 206.
(2003) cost of commitment, 55 stanford law review 1821.
(2003) testing conventional wisdom, 14 european journal of international law 185.
(2002) human rights treaties make difference?, 111 yale law journal 1935.
(2001) path dependence in law: course , pattern of legal change in common law system, 86 iowa law review 101.
(1998) positive feedback: impact of trade liberalization on industry demands protection, 52 international organization 575.
(1996) book note, politics of confirmation process, 106 yale law journal 235.


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