Controversies over terminology United States pro-life movement

anti-abortion advocates tend use terms such unborn baby , unborn child , or pre-born child , , see medical terms embryo , zygote , , fetus dehumanizing.

both pro-choice , pro-life examples of terms labeled political framing: terms purposely try define philosophies in best possible light, while definition attempting describe opposition in worst possible light. pro-choice implies alternative viewpoint anti-choice , while pro-life implies alternative viewpoint pro-death or anti-life . right-to-lifers use term pro-abort refer pro-choice organizations , individuals.

the associated press encourages journalists use terms abortion rights , anti-abortion . in 2009 gallup poll, majority of u.s. adults (51%) called pro-life on issue of abortion—for first time since gallup began asking question in 1995—while 42% identified pro-choice , although pro-choice groups noted acceptance of pro-life label did not in cases indicate opposition legalized abortion, , recent poll had indicated equal number pro-choice. march 2011 rasmussen reports poll concluded americans closely divided between call pro-life , consider pro-choice . in february 2011 rasmussen reports poll of u.s. voters , fifty percent view as

pro-choice , forty percent pro-life . in july 2013 rasmussen reports poll of u.s. voters , 46 percent view pro-choice , 43 percent pro-life .


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