Features Rohonc Codex

an illustration

the codex has 448 paper pages (12x10 cm), each 1 having between 9 , 14 rows of symbols, may or may not letters. besides text, there 87 illustrations include religious, laic, , military scenes. crude illustrations seem indicate environment christian, pagan, , muslim religions coexist, symbols of cross, crescent, , sun/swastika present.

the number of symbols used in codex ten times higher known alphabet (némäti counted 792), symbols used rarely, symbols in codex might not alphabet, syllabary, or logographs chinese characters. justification of right margin seem imply symbols transcribed right left.

study of paper on codex written shows venetian paper made in 1530s. however, may have been transcribed earlier source, or paper have been used long after produced.


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