Initial Mass Production - Generation One (1957–1961) List of Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 variants

mig-21f-13 @ barksdale global power museum

f = forsirovannyy ( uprated )
single-seat day fighter aircraft. first production aircraft, 93 machines being made (20 in 1959, 73 in 1960). mig-21f carried 2160 liters of fuel in 6 internal fuel tanks , powered r11f-300 turbojet engine 5740kgf of thrust. earliest units fitted 1 nr-30 , 2 nr-23 cannon, subsequent aircraft armed 2 30-mm nr-30 cannons 60 shells each, capable of carrying 2 bombs ranging 50 500 kg each. avionics included pus-36d weapons sequencing module, r-800 communications radio, asp-5nv-u1 computing gunsight, , srd-5mn baza-6 radar rangefinder.

ye-6/9 (1960)
a production mig-21f modified in 1960 test nuclear strike capability on mig-21 airframe.

ye-6t (1958)
prototypes based on mig-21f used testing vympel k-13 (nato: aa-2 atoll ) missile system. aircraft later reused other tests.

ye-6t/1 ( ye-66 ) (1959)
ye-6t/1 prototype, number 31 red, refitted r11f2-300 engine break world speed record. ye-66 fake designation used on documents submitted fai; not official designation. konstantin kokkinaki set new world speed record on september 16, 1960 in aircraft, reaching top speed of 2499 km/h (1552 mph) on 100 km closed course.
ye-6t/1 ( ye-66a ) (1961)
after setting new world speed record, ye-6t/1 31 red rebuilt again try set new world altitude record. end had u-21 rocket booster added fairing in tail, , kept upgraded r11f2-300 turbojet. ye-66a fake designation used on documents submitted fai; not official designation. on april 28, 1961, georgi mosolov set new altitude record @ 34,714 m (113,891 ft), breaking previous record set american pilot in f-104 starfighter 2899 m (9511 ft).
ye-6t/2 (1961)
second prototype ye-6t reused test skid-type landing gear use on dirt strips.
ye-6t/3 (1961)
ye-6t canards fitted, tested 1961-1962.

mig-21p-13 (aka ye-7) (1958)
p = perekhvatchik ( interceptor )
13 = refers k-13 missile system
two mig-21 sans suffixe (izdeliye 65) converted use k-13 missile system part of development project interceptor armed k-13 missile. due mig-21p-13 project lagging behind schedule, decided produce existing mig-21f capability use k-13 missile system, resulting in mig-21f-13. development continued, however, resulting in mig-21pf.
mig-21f-13 (1960; izdeliye 74; nato fishbed-c )

mig 21-f13

f = forsirovannyy ( uprated )
13 = refers k-13 missile system
short-range day fighter; mig-21f-13 first mig-21 model produced in large numbers. unlike mig-21f, mig-21f-13 had 1 nr-30 cannon on starboard side, 30 rounds; however, added capability use k-13 missile system, of 2 carried on underwing hardpoints. on early-production mig-21f-13s launch rails of apu-28 type; later models had these replaced apu-13 rails. launch rails removable, allowing mig-21f-13 carry 2 ub-16-57 unguided rocket launchers, 2 s-24 rockets on pu-12-40 launch rails or 2 fab-100/250/500 bombs or zb-360 napalm tanks. f-13 had further upgrades: improved asp-5nd optical gunsight , upgraded srd-5nd ranging radar. mig-21f-13 built under licence in china chengdu j-7 or f-7 export, in czechoslovakia aero s-106, though s-106 designation not used long; subsequently, czech-built units referred mig-21f-13 soviet-built aircraft.

czechoslovak designation mig-21f , aero s.106 (czech-built mig-21f) converted carry reconnaissance pods.
mig-21f-13r (1974)
r = razuznavatelen ( reconnaissance )
bulgarian designation mig-21f-13 aircraft locally modified carry afa-39 camera.

ye-6v (1961; nato fishbed-e )
experimental stol version of mig-21f-13 jato boosters.


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