Politics and Administration Allauch

1 politics , administration

1.1 municipal administration
1.2 list of successive mayors
1.3 allauch , quality of life
1.4 twinning

politics , administration
municipal administration

the following table shows share of seats on allauch municipal council:

list of successive mayors

mayors 1940

allauch , quality of life

in 1960s study agam predicted population figures of 60 80,000 in allauch in 2000. today commune has 20,000 inhabitants. result of political of various mayors have never ceased protect hills, restrict urbanisation, , contained demographic change.

according municipality, allauch art town of greenery on outskirts of marseille two-thirds of territory consisting of hills while of 119 communes in department allauch came 22nd highest housing tax (19.71% municipal rate in 2007) , 6th highest property tax (33.24% municipal rate in 2007).

the politics of commune management of land use plan has both limited building areas in order not distort landscape , allowed normal sized housing there sound economic development respecting environment , refusing infrastructure denaturalises allauch (highways, supermarkets, industries creating nuisances etc.) , saving natural areas , green belts.

there in place protection service hills annual budget of €350,000 (15 water tanks, 2,000 hours annually monitor start of fires), clearing obligations, , reforestation.

in vote on joining urban community of marseille provence métropole, allauch commune voted against fear of no longer having voice regarding land use plan. joining of urban community in 2000 may have reduced decision-making powers of commune in urban planning matters, highways, or street cleanliness moving decision-making centre perhaps achieve construction of school ijn allauch.


allauch has twinning associations with:

vaterstetten (germany) since 1982. bavarian town near munich: twice year twinning committee exchanges guests matching german hosts , provides accommodation allaudienne families during visits region , events 2 communities meet. each year on last saturday of august beer festival hosted orchestra , bavarian dance evening in can sing, dance , enjoy sauerkraut. feast of saint nicolas aimed @ young people. in july trip organized vaterstetten allaudiens christmas market in town sell provençal products.
vico equense (italy) since 2004. near naples: throughout year bella italia organizes events italian community in allauch such italian evenings (dinner dance live music , italian singer), bingo, trips (ventimiglia, south of italy etc.)
affula (israel) since 1995.

^ list of mayors of france
^ official site commune: lifestyle (in french)
^ ministry of finance: direct local taxes 2007 (in french)
^ commune declined installation of mcdonald s
^ in february 2008 on 11th day of reforestation, 2,000 trees planted such almond, hackberry, blackthorn, , arbutus
^ history of community on allauch.com (in french).
^ part of sru, prefect may enter agreement social housing landlord if results in construction of social housing in commune regardless of policy of commune in terms of development (normal size , quality of buildings, integrated architecture environment, location of buildings)
^ national commission decentralised cooperation (in french)


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