Student government California State University

all 23 campuses have mandatory student body organizations mandatory fees, associated students moniker, , members of california state student association (cssa). california education code § 89300 allows creation of student body organizations @ state university purpose of providing essential activities closely related to, not included part of, regular instructional program. vote approved two-thirds of students causes trustees fix membership fee required of regular, limited, , special session students attending university such fee increases must approved trustees , referendum approved majority of voters. mandatory fee elections called president of university, , membership fees fixed chancellor. fees collected university @ time of registration except student loan or grant recognized training program or student aid program has been delayed , there reasonable proof funds forthcoming. gloria romero open meetings act of 2000 mandates legislative body of student body organization conduct business in public meetings.

student body organization funds obtained mandatory fees may expended for:

programs of cultural , educational enrichment , community service.
recreational , social activities.
support of student unions.
scholarships, stipends, , grants-in-aid admitted students.
tutorial programs.
athletic programs, both intramural , intercollegiate.
student publications.
assistance recognized student organizations.
student travel insurance.
administration of student fee program.
student government-scholarship stipends, grants-in-aid, , reimbursements student officers service student government. before such scholarship stipends, grants-in-aid, , reimbursements established student body association, principle of establishing such payments shall approved student referendum.
student employment provide payment services in connection general administration of student fee.
augmentation of counseling services, including draft information, performed campus. such counseling may include counseling on legal matters extent of helping student determine whether should retain legal counsel, , of referring him legal counsel through bar association, legal aid foundation or similar body.
transportation services.
child day care centers children of students , employees of campus.
augmentation of campus health services. additional programs may added appropriate amendment section board.

^ california education code § 89300
^ 5 ccr § 41401
^ 5 ccr § 41408
^ [1]
^ [2]
^ 5 ccr § 42659


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