Grandmaster draw Draw by agreement
1 grandmaster draw
1.1 spassky versus petrosian
1.2 reshevsky versus portisch
1.3 averbakh versus fischer
1.4 karpov versus kasparov 1984
1.5 keres versus petrosian
1.6 tal versus botvinnik
1.7 polugaevsky versus tal
1.8 kasparov versus karpov 1986
1.9 kasparov versus smyslov
grandmaster draw
a grandmaster draw draw in few number of moves, without battle, between high-ranked players. british expert p. h. clarke talked positive aspects of short draw:
unless of calibre of botvinnik – , – cannot hope play @ full power day after day. technical draws necessary means of conserving energy. such, contribute raising standard of play rather lowering (evans 1970:85–86).
all of games of second piatigorsky cup annotated players, including short draws. comments on 2 short draws follow (spassky versus petrosian , reshevsky versus portisch), followed comments on other short draws.
spassky versus petrosian
boris spassky wrote:
the present game once again demonstrates how grandmasters play when not care win. of course, not interesting spectacle onlookers. however, if chess enthusiasts find in positions of grandmasters not judge them severely. (kashdan 1968:119–20)
reshevsky versus portisch
lajos portisch wrote:
here reshevsky offered me draw, accepted. grandmaster draw? not think so. reshevsky had consumed of time, , had 30 minutes remaining moves. on part have been pointless rely on time trouble saw after 17. dxe5 nd5 18. bxe7 qxe7 19. nxd5 bxd5 20. be4, draw evident. in such strong tournament , against such outstanding players not wise try win game of kind. 1 lose energy. neither side had advantage, why try force issue? (kashdan 1968:52)
averbakh versus fischer
in 1958 game between yuri averbakh , bobby fischer, players agreed draw in unclear position white piece ahead. asked draw, teenage fischer said afraid of losing russian grandmaster , afraid of losing kid. (evans 1970:86) averbakh stated fischer offered draw , each player had ten minutes make 19 or 20 moves before time control.
karpov versus kasparov 1984
several short draws occurred in world chess championship 1984 between anatoly karpov , garry kasparov. 1 occurred in 29th game after thirteen moves. kasparov explains
draw agreed on black s proposal: resulting complete symmetry, fighting resources practically exhausted.
white had used 99 minutes; black had used 51 minutes (kasparov 2008:167–68).
keres versus petrosian
in 1962 candidates tournament held in curaƧao determine challenger mikhail botvinnik in 1963 world championship. there evidence soviet players tigran petrosian, paul keres, , efim geller arranged draw of games between themselves. twelve games played between these 3 players short draws, averaging 19 moves (timman 2005:25ff).
this diagram shows final position shortest 1 – fourteen moves played. in 25th of 28 rounds, , final game between keres , petrosian. bobby fischer charged petrosian accepted draw when winning , jan timman agrees. petrosian went on win tournament , win championship botvinnik (timman 2005:185–86).
tal versus botvinnik
in 21st of 24 games of 1960 world chess championship between mikhail tal , mikhail botvinnik, tal needed half point win title, got position black had no winning chances, , agreed draw.
polugaevsky versus tal
in 1967 ussr championship, lev polugaevsky , mikhail tal leading same number of points going next-to-last round. played each other round. after
1. d4 nf6
2. c4 e6
polugaevsky offered draw. tal explains
i played 2...e6 , lev offered me draw. accepted, although decency s sake made further 12 moves or so, , question of first place put off until last round. (tal 2003:338)
kasparov versus karpov 1986
before 20th game of 1986 world championship, kasparov had lost 3 games in row, evened match score. kasparov had white in 20th game, in draw agreed after 21 moves. white had used 1 hour , 11 minutes; black used 1 hour , 52 minutes. kasparov writes in 20th game decided in end not play (i.e. aim short draw) [...] typical grandmaster draw, although 1 can understand 2 players – each fulfilled objective had set himself before game. (kasparov 2009:201,205) kasparov did not want lose fourth game in row , karpov wanted draw black.
kasparov versus smyslov
kasparov had 1 of games of 1994 match against vasily smyslov: ended in planned draw, , not delighted such pre-programmed result. (kasparov 2011:469).
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