Behaviour and ecology Grey-necked wood rail
1 behaviour , ecology
1.1 breeding
1.2 feeding
1.3 parasites
behaviour , ecology
a grey-necked wood rail feeding on seeds
this bird can seen perch in both shrubbery , trees, characteristic of forest rails. grey-necked wood rail flies, although when flushed out, move branch close ground. if being observed, cautious.
the grey-necked wood rail s nests situated in trees , bushes, 1 3 metres (3.3 9.8 ft) off ground, built on flat branches or in thickets , lined twigs , leaves. have diameter between 30 , 40 centimetres (12 , 16 in) on outside, internal diameter of around 15 centimetres (5.9 in). depth between under 4 , 9 centimetres (1.6 , 3.5 in). overall height of nest around 16 centimetres (6.3 in).
this bird monogamous, forming long lasting pair bonds, pairs of grey-necked wood rails staying throughout year. breeding season occurs between march , august, although varies depending on geography. in costa rica, breeding season extends until september. in mexico, on other hand, breeding season known start january. in captivity, wood rail territorial.
the clutch grey-necked wood rail lays consists of 3 7 brown-blotched, glossy, whitish eggs, although clutches consisting of 5 eggs typical. these eggs measure around 52 36 millimetres (2.0 1.4 in) , weigh between 25.1 , 27.1 grams (0.89 , 0.96 oz). incubated both sexes, each taking 6 8 hour shifts, around 20 days. in captivity, male incubates during day, , female during night. chicks hatch precocial , cared parents 1 or 2 days before leaving nest, although chicks use brood nest until 40 days old.
a wading grey-necked wood rail
this bird feeds @ night, eating various invertebrates , small vertebrates. while in mangroves, commonly feeds on crabs. otherwise, feed on molluscs, arthropods, frogs, seeds, berries, palm fruits, , occasional water snake. maize, rice, , bananas viable food items grey-necked wood rail. known feed on feces of giant otters @ latrines.
when eating snails, rail hammer @ shells extract them. berries, jump high break off clusters of fruit. after doing this, pick off berries 1 one , eat them. uses partially open bill probe , move aside debris leaf litter. wary , secretive, , selfish when mated. manifests in warning partner threat displays keep @ distance. so, has been seen openly forage in short grass near thickets , in streams or muddy tracks.
the grey-necked wood rail type host of plasmodium bertii, apicomplexan parasite, meaning p. bertii discovered on organism. p. lutzi found on bird.
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