Grande Ecole (Master in Management) HEC Paris

1 grande ecole (master in management)

1.1 admissions - classes préparatoires
1.2 admissions - holders of bachelor s degree
1.3 curriculum
1.4 dual degrees , joint programs

grande ecole (master in management)
admissions - classes préparatoires

lycée henri iv in paris primary source of new students in 2009

the classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles two-year curriculum extensible three-years, acting prep course main goal of training undergraduate students enrolment in 1 of grandes écoles.

each year, more 9,000 students enroll in prep courses entrance exams business schools (known prépa hec while real names ecs or ece ). minimum of 2 years, préparationnaires study average of 58 hours per week, best students work far more that. curriculum includes mathematics, either economic history or economics, philosophy, literature, , 2 foreign languages. have written , oral examinations every week.

the concours includes @ least examination in each subject studied , both written , oral examinations. depending on how many schools students apply to, written examinations spread on 2 of 3 weeks. hec requires 26 hours of written exams, of them being shared other schools such essec , escp europe. oral examinations take place on campus 3 or 4 days. public , attended hundreds of visitors, future candidates , professors.

admissions - holders of bachelor s degree

french graduates licence (bachelor s degree) can apply admission grande ecole programme through dedicated concours.

the international admissions service manages recruitment tests , interviews on behalf of hec , 3 other grandes ecoles in france. admission programme requires degree gained upon successful completion of @ least 3 years of university education outside france in field.

french , foreign admitted students enroll directly in second year of programme.


french students attended classe préparatoire taught fundamental managerial sciences during first year @ hec. courses include economics, accounting, finance, law, psychology, sociology , mathematics (models, operations research, , statistics). during first year, students can spend semester in foreign university (e.g. wharton, bocconi university, trinity college, university of british columbia...). can enroll in specific one-year program bachelor s degree french university (see below).

direct admits, including international students, enter directly second year begin business intensive program. courses include corporate , market finance, accounting, marketing, law, mathematics, management, human resources, , supply chain. second-year students given opportunity spend 1 semester in foreign university. @ end of second year, students choose specific majors, , must pass through far less competitive application process.

in order graduate, students required have 8 months of internships. since difficult during summer, many students take semester or year off internship, between second , third year.

the final year of study covers intensive courses in chosen major.

dual degrees , joint programs

hec paris has numerous double degree agreements french , foreign institutions. of them make degrees of partner institution available hec students while others enable selected students of partner institution graduate hec.

among french partner institutions, ecole polytechnique, mines paristech, agro paristech, ensae paristech , télécom paristech other colleges of paristech.


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