History VMA-214

1 history

1.1 world war ii
1.2 korean war
1.3 late 1950s - 1960s
1.4 vietnam war
1.5 1970s , 1980s
1.6 1990s
1.7 global war on terror


vought f4u-1a corsair, buno 17883, of gregory pappy boyington, commander of vmf-214, vella lavella end of 1943

world war ii

marine fighter squadron 214 commissioned on july 1, 1942, @ marine corps air station ewa, on island of oahu. called swashbucklers, participated in solomon islands campaign, flying out of henderson field on guadalcanal. disbanded following combat tour , squadron designation given marine command on espiritu santo.

in august 1943, group of twenty-seven young men under leadership of major gregory pappy boyington (who later awarded medal of honor) joined form original blacksheep of vmf-214. major boyington had returned year s tour in china member of 1st american volunteer group (nicknamed flying tigers), , had been credited multiple kills of japanese aircraft. squadron not assigned aircraft or ancillary personnel @ first , flew guadalcanal , later russell islands in borrowed planes in less satisfactory condition.

on evening of september 13, 1943, men of vmf-214 gathered in commanding officer s hootch during time suggested needed nickname. squadron called boyington s bastards after new commander, fact of pilots had been orphans , not attached squadron when got together, , fact possessed few reliable planes , no mechanics. following day, new label presented marine corps public information officer on island @ time, captain jack dechant, , found unacceptable because civilian newspapers never print it. dechant suggested call sign black sheep because expression meant same thing. pilots ranged experienced combat veterans, several air-to-air victories credit, new replacement pilots united states. major boyington , major stan bailey given permission form unassigned pilots squadron, understanding have less 4 weeks have them trained , ready combat. although dropped moniker boyington s bastards, squadron still retains black bar of bastardy across shield. chose badge black shield of illegitimacy, bar sinister, black sheep superimposed, surrounded circle of twelve stars, , crowned image of aircraft, f4u corsair.

f4u-1 corsair of 1st lt rolland n. rinabarger of vmf-214

the black sheep squadron fought eighty-four days. met japanese on own fields , territory , piled record of 203 planes destroyed or damaged, produced 9 fighter aces 97 confirmed air-to-air kills, sank several troop transports , supply ships, destroyed many installations, in addition numerous other victories. actions, original black sheep awarded presidential unit citation extraordinary heroism in action. following first combat tour, 26 pilots squadron left airfield @ munda week of rest , relaxation in sydney, australia holed in australia hotel.

the black sheep ended second combat tour on january 8, 1944, 5 days after major boyington shot down , captured japanese. original black sheep disbanded , pilots placed in pilot pool in marine aircraft group 11. exploits of incarnation of unit loosely fictionalized in 1970s television series baa baa black sheep, later renamed black sheep squadron, starring robert conrad boyington.

vmf-214 reformed on january 29, 1944 @ marine corps air station santa barbara near goleta, california. deployed aboard uss franklin (cv-13) on february 4, 1945 join on-going operations on okinawa. on march 19, japanese bomber hit uss franklin. explosion , resulting fire caused 772 deaths aboard franklin including 32 black sheep members. many black sheep aircraft launching strike on mainland japan @ time. one, first lieutenant ken linder, given half credit shooting down japanese bomber struck franklin. ended vmf-214 involvement in world war ii. during course of war, squadron suffered 23 pilots killed in action or missing , lost 48 aircraft accidents or enemy contact.

in april 1945, black sheep relocated marine corps air station el centro, california, , mcas el toro, ca in october 1945. in next few years, black sheep deployed operations on board uss rendova (cve-114), uss bairoko (cve-115), uss badoeng strait (cve-116), , uss boxer (cv-21).

korean war

when korean war broke out, vmf-214 en route hawaii on board uss badoeng strait (cve-116) hosting midshipmen naval academy. squadron s commanding officer, major robert p. keller, summoned headquarters in hawaii met colonel victor krulak. krulak bluntly asked, major, ready go war?

vmf-214 f4u-4bs on uss sicily in late 1950

flying 8 f4u-4b corsairs on august 3, 1950, vmf-214 became first marine squadron see action in korea, when launched uss sicily (cve-118) , executed raid against enemy installations near inchon. after f4us delivered incendiary bombs , rockets, followed series of strafing runs. flying uss badoeng strait (cve-116) , uss boxer (cv-21), black sheep completed 2 combat tours in korea. participated in key battles, including inchon landing , un s defeat , withdrawal chosin reservoir. in these , others battles, provided continual air cover, interdicting supply , communication lines, , inflicting heavy damage on numerous ground emplacements, , enemy armor.

late 1950s - 1960s

f9f-2 panther jets vmf-214 flying on oahu in 1953.

shortly before close of hostilities in korea, vmf-214 returned marine corps air station el toro. here exchanged corsairs f9f panther jets , began training program. in spring of 1953, black sheep traded f9s new f2h-4 banshees, , headed hawaiian islands. upon arrival, became part of marine aircraft group 13 , first marine brigade.

an f2h-4 of vma(aw)-214 assigned uss hancock (cva-19), 1957.

in january 1956, black sheep again received order ready. time, circumstances less demanding. in ensuing fifteen months, black sheep covered aspects of marine aviation. on december 31, 1956, squadron redesignated marine weather fighter squadron-214, flying banshee. buildup included instrument flying, bombing, rocketry, strafing, air-to-air gunnery, field carrier landing practice, high , low altitude special weapon drops, , carrier qualifications. vmf(aw)-214 became first marine squadron qualified in special weapons delivery, in february 1957.

the period between korea , vietnam saw several significant changes black sheep. vmf changed vma on july 9, 1957, designating squadron attack rather fighter . in march 1958, black sheep transitioned fj-4 fury. vma-214 , vmf-212 became first squadrons deploy flying aircraft across pacific. aircraft change occurred in january 1959, when black sheep changed on newer fj-4b.

in fj-4b fury jets, squadron logged on 27,000 hours attack squadron. included stretch on 20,000 accident-free flight hours. black sheep awarded, on august 29, 1961, cmc safety award outstanding safety record achieved among attack squadrons throughout marine corps.

on january 23, 1962, black sheep replaced fj-4b fury a-4b skyhawk. began 27-year association between black sheep , follow-on versions of skyhawk. in fall of 1963, vma-214 selected first marine corps squadron provide detachment ( n ) deploy on westpac cruise aboard uss hornet (cvs-12). detachment assigned intercept russian bears , badgers flying toward anti-submarine naval task force in sea of japan. returned home mcas kaneohe bay in april 1964.

a division of a-4m skyhawks vma-214 in 1970s

vietnam war

in may 1965, black sheep reassigned marine aircraft group 12, 1st marine aircraft wing, fleet marine force, pacific, , relocated mcas iwakuni, japan. on june 21, 1965, first black sheep division flew chu lai, republic of vietnam, landing on 4,000 feet of sats runway. black sheep rotated out of vietnam in february 1966 pick new pilots , personnel. in april 1966, black sheep deployed chu lai combat missions again flown in support of republic of vietnam. black sheep squadron flew 14,000 hours in combat, 13,000 sorties, , dropped more 10,000 tons of ordnance. service vma-214 awarded navy unit commendation bronze star.

vma-214 returned vietnam in april 1967, relocated el toro, , reassigned marine aircraft group 33, 3rd marine aircraft wing, fleet marine force, pacific. once in el toro, unit became recognized operational training squadron attack pilots, many of whom replacement pilots bound vietnam. during december 1970, black sheep reassigned marine aircraft group 13.

the 1970s , 1980s

during late 1970s, , 1980s, squadron participated in unit deployment program, rotating between marine aircraft group 12, marine corps air station, iwakuni, japan, , marine aircraft group 13 @ mcas el toro, california. in october 1982, black sheep awarded lawson h.m sanderson award attack squadron of year. in september 1987, black sheep squadron once again relocated, time marine corps air station yuma, arizona. on october 17, 1987, black sheep made history becoming first squadron win prestigious sanderson award second time.

two significant events occurred in 1989. during year, black sheep completed 30,000 accident free hours , 6 years of accident-free flying. also, in june 1989, black sheep introduced single-seat fixed wing night attack aircraft marine corps first operational squadron of av-8b night attack harrier iis.

the 1990s

marine attack squadron 214 became first squadron introduce night attack capability unit deployment program in october 1991, deploying 20 night attack harriers iwakuni, japan, 7 months. continuing in traditions pioneers, in july 1993, black sheep conducted dedicated night systems deployment marine corps air ground combat center @ twenty-nine palms, california. ultimately, sorties conducted throughout night until shortly before dawn on period of 3 weeks. resulted in gathering of original medical data on night flying , effect on pilot performance.

from december 1993 july 1994, marines of vma-214 deployed aboard uss peleliu (lha-5) , participated in contingency operation restore hope , operation quick draw off coast of somalia. during deployment, vma-214 det b participated in operation distant runner in burundi , rwanda.

in october 1994 detachment marine attack squadron 214 embarked aboard uss essex (lhd-2) support 13th marine expeditionary unit (13th meu). while deployed, detachment supported operation southern watch in southwest asia , operation united shield off coast of somalia.

during april 1996, marine attack squadron 214 again deployed detachment aboard uss tarawa (lha-1) in support of 13th meu. detachment supported operation southern watch off coast of kuwait , operation desert strike in northern iraq.

in august 1997, black sheep recognized third time lawson h.m. sanderson award attack squadron of year. in 1998 , 1999, black sheep squadron prepared , deployed aboard uss boxer (lhd-4) heading directly north persian gulf take part in operation desert fox. on deployment harrier community had first operational use of night vision devices shipboard activities include working helicopters on shared deck.

global war on terror

av-8bs of vma-214 on uss peleliu in 2005

immediately following extended fleet-wide grounding of harrier activities, black sheep split squadron , deployed simultaneously in support of 2 separate marine expeditionary units. squadron (-) deployed marine corps air station iwakuni, japan, while detachment bravo sailed in support of 13th marine expeditionary unit aboard uss tarawa (lha-1). during deployed period, marines of vma-214 participated in humanitarian operations in east timor , indonesia. 1 month later, det bravo off coast of yemen 13th meu(soc) participating in operation determined response - recovery of uss cole (ddg-67). during operation, black sheep marines trained in region , helped provide stability constant fixed wing presence.

vma-214 has twice deployed in support of operation iraqi freedom. first time 2003 invasion of iraq , again february august 2004, based out of al asad. squadron deployed afghanistan in may 2009 part of 2nd marine expeditionary brigade. returned mcas yuma in november 2009 having flown 3,000 hours during six-month tour. during deployment, based out of kandahar international airport part of marine aircraft group 40 , provided close air support , aerial reconnaissance. part of 17,000 troop increase announced president obama in mid-february 2009.

beginning in may 2009, detachment vma-214 deployed in support of operation enduring freedom , combined task force 151 (ctf-151) 13th marine expeditionary unit. during deployment supported 2nd marine expeditionary brigade in southern afghanistan , counter piracy operations off coast of africa. black sheep recognized fourth time lawson h. m. sanderson award 2010 attack squadron of year result.


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