Islamic scriptures Khums

unbelievers, if (now) desist (from unbelief), past forgiven them; if persist, punishment of before them (a matter of warning them). , fight them on until there no more tumult or oppression, , there prevail allah altogether , everywhere; if cease, verily allah doth see do. , know out of booty ye may acquire (in war), fifth share assigned allah,- , messenger, , near relatives, orphans, needy, , wayfarer,- if ye believe in allah , in revelation sent down our servant on day of testing,- day of meeting of 2 forces. allah hath power on things.

this teaching repeated in sahih hadiths, books considered authentic records of examples set muhammad,

narrated ibn abbas: delegates of tribe of abdul-qais came , said, o allah s apostle! tribe of rabi a, , there infidels of tribe of mudar intervening between , us, cannot come except in sacred months. please order instructions may apply ourselves , invite our people whom left behind observe well. prophet said, order (to do) 4 (things) , forbid (to do) four: order believe in allah, is, testify none has right worshipped allah (the prophet pointed hand); offer prayers perfectly; pay zakat; fast month of ramadan, , pay khums (i.e. one-fifth) of war booty allah.

when messenger of allah appointed leader of army or detachment exhort him fear allah , muslims him. say: fight in name of allah , in way of allah. fight against disbelieve in allah. make holy war, not embezzle spoils [of war, booty]; not break pledge; , not mutilate dead bodies; not kill children. when meet enemies polytheists, invite them 3 courses of action. if respond 1 of these, accept , withhold doing them harm. invite them accept islam; if respond you, accept them , desist fighting against them. invite them migrate lands land of muhairs , inform them that, if so, shall have privileges , obligations of muhajirs. if refuse migrate, tell them have status of bedouin muslims , subjected commands of allah other muslims, not share spoils of war or fai except when fight muslims against other disbelievers. if refuse accept islam, demand them jizya. if agree pay, accept them , hold off hands. if refuse pay tax, seek allah s , fight them.

sunnah in volume 4, book 52 of sahih bukhari dedicated khums.

khums means one-fifth or 20% . in islamic legal terminology, means one-fifth of items person acquires wealth, , must paid state of islam. 1 of many forms of tax in islamic jurisprudence applies on ghanima , fai (or fay). in , middle history of islam, ghanima property , wealth looted muslim army after attacking nonbelievers , battle. fai property , wealth gained confiscation without strife, if nonbelievers refused fight or violently oppose raid. on time, concept , scope of ghanima expanded islamic scholars, , variations emerged between sunni , shia scholars on interpreting definition of ghanima. similarly, percentage of fai expanded 100% using verse 59.7 of quran, placing beyond khums. 80% amount left after paying 20% khums, distributed among army commander , soldiers attacked unbelievers.


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