Personality Martin Keamy

actor michael emerson, plays ben

during casting process, keamy described military type in late-twenties not question orders. chris carabott of ign wrote in show features characters fraught uncertainty, keamy polar opposite , marine mentality sets him apart. team has physical advantage , of mr. widmore, have tactical advantage well. keamy bulldog being thrown cage full of kittens (except [iraqi military torturer] sayid) . jay glatfelter of huffington post, stated keamy crazy! … out of bad guys on island—past, present, , future—keamy has 1 of dangerous ones. not because of how big is, or weaponry, willingness kill @ drop of hat. doesn t bode our losties [protagonists]. co-show runner/executive producer/writer carlton cuse has stated , other writers create complex characters because interested in exploring how , evil can embodied in same characters , [the writers intrigued] struggles have[,] overcome dark parts of our souls ; however, later clarified there exception: keamy s bad, knows s bad, s ... guy job. damon lindelof stated great thing keamy is ... merciless survivor. [there] s great moment [in season finale] sort of hackie-sacks [a grenade thrown @ him] on [his ally] omar standing. omar acceptable casualty far keamy concerned. according featurette in lost: complete fourth season – expanded experience dvd set, keamy likes heavy weaponry , physical fitness , dislikes negotiations , doctors .


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