Regulation Indoor tanning

1 regulation

1.1 australia
1.2 brazil
1.3 canada
1.4 european union
1.5 new zealand
1.6 united states


commercial tanning services banned in states, except northern territory no salons in operation. private ownership of tanning beds permitted.


brazil s national health surveillance agency banned use of tanning beds cosmetic purposes in 2009, making country first enact ban. followed 2002 ban on minors using beds.


indoor tanning prohibited under-18s in british columbia, alberta, manitoba, saskatchewan, ontario, quebec, , prince edward island; , under-19s in new brunswick, nova scotia, newfoundland , labrador, , northwest territories. health canada recommends against use of tanning equipment.

european union

in 1997 france became first country ban minors indoor tanning. under-18s prohibited in austria, belgium, germany, ireland, portugal, spain , united kingdom. in addition, ireland prohibits salons offering happy hour discounts.

new zealand

in new zealand, indoor tanning regulated voluntary code of practice. salons asked turn away under-18s, type 1 skin (fair skin burns or never tans), people experienced episodes of sunburn children, , taking medications, several moles, or has had skin cancer. tanners asked sign consent form, includes health information , advice importance of wearing goggles. surveys have found high level of non-compliance. government has carried out bi-annual surveys of tanning facilities since 2012.

united states

inside tanning bed

the food , drug administration (fda) classifies tanning beds moderate risk devices (changed in 2014 low risk ). requires devices carry black box warning should not used on under-18s, has not banned use minors. of 1 january 2017, california, delaware, district of columbia, hawaii, illinois, kansas, louisiana, massachusetts, minnesota, nevada, new hampshire, north carolina, oregon, texas, vermont , washington have banned use of tanning beds minors under age of 18. other states strictly regulate indoor tanning under age of 18, banning indoor tanning persons under age of 14 unless medically required, , requiring consent of guardian aged 14–17. in 2010 under affordable care act, 10% tanning tax introduced, added fees charged tanning facilities; expected raise $2.7 billion health care on ten years.

tanning beds regulated in united states federal government s code of federal regulations (21 cfr 1040.20). designed ensure devices adhere set of safety rules, primary focus on sunbed , lamp manufacturers regarding maximum exposure times , product equivalence. in addition, states can extend regulations salons, regarding operator training, sanitization of sunbeds , eyewear, , additional warning signs.

american osteopathic physician joseph mercola prosecuted in 2016 federal trade commission (ftc) selling tanning beds reverse wrinkles , slash risk of cancer . settlement meant consumers had purchased devices eligible refunds totalling $5.3 million. mercola had falsely claimed fda endorsed indoor tanning devices safe , , had failed disclose had paid vitamin d council endorsement of devices. ftc said deceptive defendants fail disclose tanning not necessary produce vitamin d.


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