Statewide university programs California State University

1 statewide university programs

1.1 agricultural research initiative
1.2 biotechnology
1.3 hospitality management
1.4 nursing
1.5 online education , concurrent enrollment
1.6 pre-doctoral program
1.7 professional science master s degree

statewide university programs
agricultural research initiative

a comprehensive applied agricultural , environmental research program joining csu s 4 colleges of agriculture (at san luis obispo, pomona, chico , fresno) , state s agriculture , natural resources industries , allied business communities.

cal poly pomona
cal poly san luis obispo
chico state
fresno state


the california state university program education , research in biotechnology (csuperb) mission develop professional biotechnology workforce. csuperb provides grant funding, organizes annual symposium, sponsors industry-responsive curriculum, , serves liaison csu government, philanthropic, educational, , biotechnology industry partners. program involves students , faculty life, physical, computer , clinical science, engineering, agriculture, math , business departments @ 23 csu campuses.

hospitality management

the hospitality management education initiative (hmei) formed in 2008 address shortage of hospitality leaders in california. hmei collaboration between 14 csu campuses have hospitality-related degrees , industry executives. csu awarded 95% of hospitality bachelor s degrees in state in 2011.


headquartered , administered @ dominguez hills campus, csu statewide nursing program offers registered nurses courses available throughout california lead bachelors , masters of science, , doctorate degree in nursing (awarded closest participating csu campus). campuses award doctorate in nursing practice (dnp) are:

fresno state
cal state fullerton
cal state los angeles
cal state long beach
san jose state

online education , concurrent enrollment

beginning in 2013, csu made radical change in way delivered online education. university approved more 30 courses system-wide consumption, meaning student attending 1 of 23 campuses able enroll in online course offered @ campus, concurrently. new online education delivery method part of $17 million additional funding state improve online education, , improve graduation rates , access bottleneck courses across 23 campuses. courses offered include biology, business finance, chemistry, , microeconomics.

pre-doctoral program

california pre-doctoral program designed increase pool of potential faculty supporting doctoral aspirations of california state university students have experienced economic , educational disadvantages.

the chancellor s doctoral incentive program provides financial , other assistance individuals pursuing doctoral degrees. program seeks provide loans doctoral students interested in applying , competing california state university instructional faculty positions after completion of doctoral degree.

professional science master s degree

the csu intends expand post-graduate education focus establish , encourage professional science master s degree (psm) programs using sloan model.


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