Arrests.2C trial and sentence Távora affair

execution of tavoras (1759).

all accused of high treason , attempted regicide. evidence presented in common trial simple: a) confessions of executed assassins; b) murder weapon belonging duke of aveiro; , c) assumption távoras have known whereabouts of king on evening, since returning liaison teresa of távora (who arrested).

stone memorial of aveiro s shame in belém, lisbon. there written (english translation): in place razed ground , salted houses of josé mascarenhas, stripped of honours of duque de aveiro , others, convicted sentence proclaimed in supreme court of inconfidences on 12th of january 1759. brought justice 1 of leaders of barbarous , execrable upheaval that, on night of 3rd of september 1758, committed against royal , sacred person of lord joseph i. on infamous land nothing may built time.

the távoras denied charges sentenced death. estates confiscated crown, palace in lisbon destroyed , soil salted, name erased peerage , coat-of-arms outlawed.

the original sentence ordered execution of entire families, including women , children. intervention of queen mariana , maria francisca, heiress throne, saved of them.

the marchioness, however, not spared. , other defendants sentenced death publicly tortured , executed on january 13, 1759, in field near lisbon. king present bewildered court. távoras peers , kin, prime minister wanted lesson driven home. afterwards ground salted, prevent future growth of vegetation. day, in location there remains alley called beco chão salgado ( alley of salted ground ); on corner stands shame memorial inscription below waist height, overlooked no saints statues on niches - disposition converted memorial popular pissoir.


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