French India Louis Bonvin

governor bovin

in course of french military debacle during world war ii, bovin telegraphed french government (then in bordeaux) on 20 june 1940, declaring of people of french india continue war on side of allies. however, following signing of armistice of 22 june 1940, recognized government of marshal pétain. shortly afterward, under pressure colonel schomberg, british consul in pondicherry, warned him anglo-indian troops occupy colony if didn t declare general de gaulle, reverted decision. in appeal people of 27 june 1940, bonvin announced french empire (and therefore french establishments in india) remain on british side until final victory. on 12 july, governor bonvin, through british, assured de gaulle of cooperation of french india.

on 9 september 1940, 2 days after having informed authorities , officers of colony of decision, louis bonvin proclaimed formal adherence of french india free france. general de gaulle confirmed bonvin s position governor.

the vichy french denounced bonvin action. on 14 january 1942, vichyite permanent military tribunal of saigon in french indochina found him guilty of delivery foreign power of territory belonging france , , sentenced him death. wife, marcelle bonvin, sentenced penal servitude life. bonvin not in indochina, had no real effect.

for duration of hostilities, bonvin @ forefront representative of general de gaulle india , east 1940 1944.

he member of defense council of empire , worked provide possible assistance free french forces (forces françaises libres, ffl) including under command of general kœnig in north africa. aid funnelled through red cross committee headed bonvin s wife; of came soldiers of ffl in form of subscriptions , remittances.

before left india in september 1945, british government, services rendered allied cause, awarded him dignity of knight commander of order of british empire.

louis bonvin died on 23 february 1946, result of illness contracted in india, 3 months after return montluçon, hometown, buried.


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