Relationship with parliament.2C opposition parties Premiership of Stephen Harper

1 relationship parliament, opposition parties

1.1 confidence in house of commons

1.1.1 non-confidence motion , prorogation of parliament, 2008

1.2 senate appointments
1.3 libel suit against liberal party

relationship parliament, opposition parties

for of harper s tenure prime minister, led minority government meaning relied on support (or abstention) of other parties in order maintain confidence of house of commons. harper government relied on official opposition liberal caucus abstaining in whole or in part in order allow confidence measures pass. government lost first confidence vote on liberal sponsored censure motion on march 25, 2011, prompting harper seek dissolution , calling of 2011 general election.

confidence in house of commons

the principal motions of confidence in canadian house of commons matters of supply (motions , bills concerning budget , spending government monies) , motion in reply speech throne. government may designate vote matter of confidence, , opposition parties may introduce motions explicitly express lack of confidence in government. during period of harper s tenureship, began increase scope of bills of government considered confidence measures, reflecting increasing willingness of government trigger election based on favourable polling conditions.

non-confidence motion , prorogation of parliament, 2008

harper precipitated national controversy, threatened overturn government, fielding spending bill in fall of 2008 have stripped taxpayer funding political parties , taken away right strike canadian public service workers purported solutions effects in canada of global economic crisis. outraged opposition parties formed coalition, intending call vote of non-confidence have toppled harper government, avoided impending vote of non-confidence asking governor general prorogue parliament until january 26, 2009. following resumption of parliament, harper introduced new budget allowed pass when members of liberal caucus abstained vote.

senate appointments

as prime minister, harper has recommended appointment of 38 persons canadian senate. of these senators members of harper s conservative party. 3 (michael fortier, fabian manning, , larry smith) subsequently resigned senate seek election house of commons.

harper had long been advocate of elected senate , appointed 4 senators (bert brown, betty unger, doug black, , scott tannas) based on result of alberta senate nominee elections. harper introduced legislation provide elections advise prime minister on recommend appointment senate , cause appointed senators serve fixed terms, to, in essence, create de facto elected senate without changing constitution. harper s senate appointments , reform proposals criticized failing address balance of seats among provinces, possibly being unconstitutional, , running contrary spirit of previous pledges elected senate. harper argued that, without appointing senators, liberals have continued enjoy majority in senate despite lacking popular support, senate become less , less able function, , of appointees agreed resign , seek election senate should reform proposals pass.

libel suit against liberal party

harper launched lawsuit on march 13, 2008, against liberal party of canada on statements published on party s website concerning chuck cadman affair. first time sitting prime minister had sued opposition libel. $2.5-million suit named liberal party, federal liberal agency of canada, , unnamed author or authors of statements published on liberal website. articles @ centre of lawsuit headlined harper knew of conservative bribery , harper must come clean allegations of conservative bribery . articles questioned harper s alleged involvement in financial offers made cadman sway vote in crucial 2005 commons showdown. suit filed in ontario superior court of justice did not name liberal leader stéphane dion or mps ralph goodale , michael ignatieff—whom harper threatened sue. lawsuit settled out of court in 2009 both parties not disclosing terms of settlement.

dona cadman said prior may 2005 budget vote, tom flanagan , doug finley, 2 conservative party officials, offered husband, chuck cadman, million-dollar life insurance policy in exchange vote bring down liberal government.


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