Role in behavior Vasopressin receptor 1A

1 role in behavior

1.1 prairie vs. montane voles
1.2 mice
1.3 rats
1.4 humans

role in behavior

the activity / genetic variants of avpr1a gene might related narcissism , gentle behavior. naturenews has referred avpr1a daring gene . term ruthlessness gene has been coined

prairie vs. montane voles

the injection of oxytocin (oxt) vs. oxytocin antagonist (ota) @ birth has sexually dimorphic effects in prairie voles later on in life in various areas of brain.

males treated oxt showed increases in avpr1a in ventral palladium, lateral septum, , cingulate cortex, while females showed decreases; males treated ota showed decreases in avpr1a in bed nucleus of stria terminalis, medial preoptic area of hypothalamus, , lateral septum.

although avpr1a coding region 99% identical between prairie , montane voles, , binding , second messenger activity not differ, patterns of distribution of avpr1a differ drastically.


male knockout mice in avpr1a have reduced anxiety-like behavior , impaired social recognition abilities, without defects in spatial , nonsocial olfactory learning , memory tasks, measured elevated plus maze, light/dark box, morris water maze, forced swim, baseline acoustic startle , prepulse inhibition (ppi), , olfactory habituation tests. studies have shown avpr1a knockout mice have deficits in circadian rhythms , olfaction.

avpr1a’s role in social recognition particularly important in lateral septum, using viral vectors replace inactivated avpr1a expression rescues social recognition , increases anxiety-related behavior. however, conflicting results have been found in study. also, unlike vasopressin 1b receptor , oxytcoin knockout mice, avpr1a ko mice have normal bruce effect (appropriate failure of pregnancy in presence of novel male).

although activation of avpr1a major mediator of anxiogenesis in males, not in females.


avpr1a transcripts diurnally expressed 12 hours out of phase vasopressin expression in vasopressin , vasoactive intestinal polypeptide neurons of suprachiasmatic nucleus in both vasopressin-normal sprague-dawley rats, vasopressin-deficient brattleboro rats.

rats reduced avpr1a in bed nucleus of stria terminalis have increased incidences of isolation potentiated startle, measure of isolation-induced anxiety.

interestingly, subchronic phencyclidine (pcp) treatment (which induces symptoms similar of schizophrenia) reduces avpr1a density in many brain regions, implying there might role avpr1a in schizophrenia.

avpr1a present in lateral septum, neocortical layer iv, hippocampal formation, amygdalostriatal area, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, suprachiasmatic nucleus, ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, superior colliculus, dorsal raphe, nucleus of solitary tract, spinal cord, , inferior olive, while mrna transcripts avpr1a found in olfactory bulb, hippocampal formation, lateral septum, suprachiasmatic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, anterior hypothalamic area, arcuate nucleus, lateral habenula, ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra (pars compacta), superior colliculus, raphe nuclei, locus coeruleus, inferior olive, choroid plexus, endothelial cells, area postrema , nucleus of solitary tract.


although vasopressin cell , fibre distribution patterns highly conserved across species (with centrally projecting systems being sexually dimorphic), vasopressin receptor avpr1a distribution differs both between , within species; vasopressin production occurs in hypothalamus, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, , medial amygdala (projecting lateral septum , ventral pallidum), while vasopressin binding sites in humans in lateral septum, thalamus, basal amygdaloid nucleus, , brainstem, not cortex.

human avpr1a situated on chromosome 12q14-15, , promoter region not have repeat sequences homologous found in prairie voles. 3 polymorphic repetitive sequences have been found in humans in 5’ flanking region: rs3, rs1, , (gt)25 dinucleotide repeat.

a 2015 study found correlation between avpr1a expression , predisposition extra-pair mating in women not in men.


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