U.S. Senator (1996–2011) Sam Brownback
1 u.s. senator (1996–2011)
1.1 elections
1.2 tenure
1.3 c street residence
1.4 committees
1.5 other notes
u.s. senator (1996–2011)
sheila frahm appointed fill seat of u.s. senator bob dole when dole resigned in 1996 campaign president. brownback defeated frahm in 1996 republican primary , went on win general election against democrat jill docking. later in 2001, federal election commission assessed fines , penalties against brownback s campaign committee , against in-laws improper 1996 campaign contributions. result of these improper contributions, campaign ordered give government $19,000 in contributions , brownback s in-laws, john , ruth stauffer, ordered pay $9,000 civil penalty improperly funneling contributions through triad management services.
in 1998 brownback elected full six-year term, defeating democrat paul feleciano. won reelection in 2004 senate election 69% of vote, defeating democratic challenger, lee jones, former washington, d.c. lobbyist.
throughout senate career, principal campaign donors koch brothers , enterprises, including koch industries.
senators brownback , feinstein in 2003 joined angelina jolie, goodwill ambassador united nations high commissioner refugees, call on bipartisan legislation reform treatment of unaccompanied alien minors
brownback member of judiciary committee, senate appropriations committee (where chaired subcommittee on district of columbia when republicans in majority), joint economic committee, , commission on security , cooperation in europe, known helsinki commission, @ 1 time chaired. helsinki commission monitors compliance international agreements reached in cooperation organization security , co-operation in europe.
in 2000, brownback , congressman chris smith led effort enact trafficking victims protection act. president clinton signed legislation in october 2000. according christianity today, stronger enforcement increased number of u.s. federal trafficking cases eightfold in 5 years after enactment.
as of august 12, 2007, in 110th session of congress, brownback had missed 123 votes due campaigning (39.7 percent) – surpassed tim johnson (d) of south dakota due critical illness had missed 100% of votes of 110th session, , john mccain (r) of arizona 149 votes missed due campaigning (48.1 percent).
as of april 2012, brownback had approval rating of 34 percent according survey usa poll. republican polling company found approval rating 51 percent in may 2012. in november 2015, brownback had approval rating of 26 percent according morning consult poll, lowest among governors in united states.
c street residence
brownback during time senator
on april 1, 2010, news sources reported citizens responsibility , ethics in washington (crew) had urged ethics investigation possible violation of senate s gifts rule republican senators lodging in townhome owned c street center, inc., in turn owned christian-advocacy group fellowship. according report, brownback, 3 additional senators, , 4 u.s. representatives staying in townhome. crew alleged property, rented out $950 month per person, being let under rate of similar lodging in neighborhood.
brownback supporters argued rooms rented out @ c street not equivalent of individual apartments private bathrooms, kitchens, , living rooms. lawmakers share communal space. senator tom coburn s spokesman john hart told hill: has spent 10 minutes on craigslist realize c street residents pay fair-market value, hart said. residents @ [c street] boarding house have 1 bedroom. share bathroom. pay own meals , share personal space other residents , guests. share remote … fight on favorite channel. in addition, hart stated there several craigslist ads demonstrate $950 fair market value room on capitol hill.
committee on appropriations
subcommittee on agriculture, rural development, food , drug administration, , related agencies (ranking member)
subcommittee on defense
subcommittee on homeland security
subcommittee on military construction, veterans affairs, , related agencies
subcommittee on department of state, foreign operations, , related programs
subcommittee on transportation, housing , urban development, , related agencies
committee on commerce, science, , transportation
subcommittee on aviation operations, safety, , security
subcommittee on communications, technology, , internet
subcommittee on competitiveness, innovation, , export promotion
subcommittee on surface transportation , merchant marine infrastructure, safety, , security
committee on energy , natural resources
subcommittee on energy
subcommittee on national parks
subcommittee on water , power (ranking member)
committee on foreign relations
special committee on aging
joint economic committee
commission on security , cooperation in europe
other notes
brownback, while u.s. senator in mid-1990s, hired paul ryan chief legislative director. ryan later became member of congress, vice-presidential candidate, , speaker of u.s. house of representatives.
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