Written works Guy Debord

guy debord s best known works theoretical books, society of spectacle , comments on society of spectacle. in addition these wrote number of autobiographical books including mémoires, panégyrique, cette mauvaise réputation..., , considérations sur l assassinat de gérard lebovici. author of numerous short pieces, anonymous, journals potlatch, les lèvres nues, les chats sont verts, , internationale situationniste. society of spectacle written in “interesting prose”, unlike writings in time or of nature. debord, spectacle viewed false representations in our real lives. spectacle materialized worldview. spectacle subjects human beings .

debord distressed hegemony of governments , media on everyday life through mass production , consumption. criticized both capitalism of west , dictatorial communism of eastern bloc lack of autonomy allowed individuals both types of governmental structure. debord postulated alienation had gained new relevance through invasive forces of spectacle - social relation between people mediated images consisting of mass media, advertisement, , popular culture. spectacle self-fulfilling control mechanism society. debord s analysis developed notions of reification , fetishism of commodity pioneered karl marx , georg lukács. semiotics major influence, particularly work of contemporary, roland barthes, first envisage bourgeois society spectacle, , study in detail political function of fashion within spectacle. debord s analysis of spectaclist society probed historical, economic, , psychological roots of media , popular culture. central school of thought claim alienation more emotive description or aspect of individual psychology: rather, consequence of mercantile form of social organization has reached climax in capitalism, theorized herbert marcuse of frankfurt school.

the situationist international (si), political/artistic movement organized debord , colleagues , represented journal of same name, attempted create series of strategies engaging in class struggle reclaiming individual autonomy spectacle. these strategies, including dérive , détournement, drew on traditions of lettrism. founder of si, has been suggested debord felt driven generalize , define values, ideas, , characteristics of entire group, may have contributed hand-picking , expulsion of members. hierarchical , dictatorial nature of si existed, however, in groups birthed it, including letterists , surrealists.

debord s first book, mémoires, bound sandpaper cover damage other books placed next it.

debord has been subject of numerous biographies, works of fiction, artworks, , songs, many of catalogued in bibliography shigenobu gonzalves, guy debord ou la beauté du negatif.

often, suggested debord opposed creation of art, however, debord writes in situationist international magazine ( contre le cinema ) believes ordinary (quotidian) people should make everyday (quotidian) art; art , creation should liberate spectacle, capitalism, , banality of everyday life in contemporary society. in society of spectacle, debord argues price put on art destroys integrity of art object, not material or creation itself. important note debord not equate art spectacle.


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