2000 Conrad Burns

burns faced unexpectedly difficult reelection campaign in 2000. in february 1999, announced break 1988 promise hold office 2 terms, saying, circumstances have changed, , have rethought position. later same month, while giving speech american dependence on foreign oil montana equipment dealers association, referred arabs ragheads. burns apologized, saying became emotionally involved during speech.

the democratic nominee brian schweitzer, rancher whitefish, montana. while burns attempted link schweitzer presidential candidate al gore, whom schweitzer had never met, schweitzer portrayed himself nonpolitical. schweitzer challenged burns on issue of prescription drugs, organizing busloads of senior citizens take trips canada , mexico cheaper medicine. burns charged schweitzer favored canadian-style government controls , claimed senior citizens went doctors have visit with. there s nothing wrong them. burns faced trouble regarding deaths asbestos in libby, montana. while supported bill limit compensation in such cases, withdrew support bill under public criticism , added $11.5 million town appropriations bill.

burns spent twice money schweitzer on election , defeated him slim margin, 51-47 percent, while state voted 58-33 percent republican presidential nominee george w. bush. schweitzer elected governor of montana in 2004.

in december 2003, burns , senator ron wyden, oregon democrat, pleased legislation combat spam, can-spam act, had been signed law. burns said, senator wyden , have worked during time come common-sense legislation deal spam , think ve been successful. in april 2005 anti-spam organization spamhaus indicated far satisfied problem of spam coming u.s. had been addressed. spamhaus head steve linford said, until america makes changes, still plastered spam.

in mid-2006, burns told associated press, doing article on congressional caucuses, had joined sweetener caucus @ behest of sugar beet growers in state. don t think ve ever attended, burns said of caucus meetings. growers tell me. know grow lot of sugar beets in montana.


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