Academic career John Asimakopoulos

1 academic career

1.1 theory
1.2 activism
1.3 interviews

academic career

after teaching adjunct professor @ new jersey , new york area universities, in 2004 began assistant professor of social sciences @ city university of new york-bronx. came public attention in 2006, when city university of new york refused renew contract. asimakopoulos alleged political firing because of outspoken libertarian socialist ideology. asimakopoulos filed arbitration consequently won in 2008 returning position.

asimakopoulos set theory in action, interdisciplinary journal , sits on editorial board of peace studies journal. in 2010, asimakopoulos launched youtube channel, crushing capitalism dr. asimakopoulos , commenting on academic topics , current events.

as of 2008, trying start new accredited graduate school based on principles of critical pedagogy.


asimakopoulos coined concept of globally segmented labor markets expanding theoretical work in area of labor market segmentation.


in 2007 asimakopoulos co-founded transformative studies institute (tsi), progressive 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational think tank based in united states., has youtube channel , scribd channel. asimakopoulos uploads activist videos youtube channel. “was created provide inclusive educational space research , practice social justice academics, community organizers, activists, , political leaders”.


interview sociologists without borders
jeff farias interviews dr. john asimakopoulos (april 28, 2009)
jeff farias interviews dr. john asimakopoulos (march 3, 2009)

^ faculty
^ chief
^ steven best , others, academic repression: reflections academic industrial complex, oakland: ak press, 2009.
^ chief
^ worldcat-theory in action
^ theory in action
^ peace studies journal
^ crushing capitalism dr. asimakopoulos
^ ulrichsweb
^ graduate school
^ message director
^ critical sociology
^ transformative studies institute
^ guidestar
^ [1]
^ [2]
^ tsi


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