Career David Sirota

1 career

1.1 politics
1.2 media

1.2.1 hostile takeover
1.2.2 uprising


sirota s career in political campaigns began when became research director illinois state senator howard carroll s unsuccessful run u.s. representative in illinois s 9th congressional district in 1998 election; carroll lost in democratic primary j. b. pritzker , illinois state representative jan schakowsky. sirota became fundraiser joe hoeffel in first successful campaign house of representatives in pennsylvania s 13th congressional district.

later moved washington, d.c. , worked in political department of american israel public affairs committee (aipac). next job press aide , spokesperson bernie sanders, independent at-large u.s. representative vermont describes himself democratic socialist .

sirota worked spokesperson house appropriations committee. while fellow @ center american progress, liberal research , advocacy group, created progress report.

in 2003 newsweek profiled sirota political operative skilled @ hacking out daily barrage of anti-bush media clips, commentary, , snappy quotes made guerrilla attacks on bush administration , schooled in art of washington warfare. according article, sirota s main weapons computer emails. sirota described internet child of clinton war room generation. former clinton white house chief of staff john podesta said of sirota: saw had eye critique , instinct jugular. example, sirota unearthed two-year-old comment colin powell had made effect iraq posed no threat neighbors, , possessed no significant capability in weapons of mass destruction. sirota made powell s statements more known. reporters pounced, , became public relations blow bush administration. sirota credited having revealed $87 billion iraq have been used erase huge state deficits @ home, fact repeated democrats nationwide.

he served senior strategist brian schweitzer s unsuccessful 2000 senate campaign , successful 2004 gubernatorial campaign. in september 2006, sirota worked political consultant ned lamont s u.s. senate campaign. lamont defeated joe lieberman in primary, lieberman ran independent , defeated lamont in november election. in 2008, sirota co-chair of progressive legislative action network (now renamed progressive states network). senior fellow @ campaign america s future.


in may 2005, sirota became contributor huffington post while writing own blog. regular guest on al franken show , makes guest appearances on colbert report, countdown keith olbermann, now, lou dobbs tonight, cnbc, , npr. senior editor @ in these times, regular columnist nation , intermountain jewish news, , past contributor american prospect. has been published in washington post, los angeles times, baltimore sun, , san francisco chronicle.

sirota contributor openleft, now-defunct progressive political blog. in june 2007, replaced late progressive columnist molly ivins column syndicated nationally creators syndicate. sirota became contributing writer salon in may 2011.

from 2009 2012, sirota morning host @ denver progressive talk station kkzn. sirota filling in jay marvin on eponymous program; marvin unable return, , sirota became permanent host in 2010. sirota guest hosted thom hartmann , norman goldman. on july 16, 2012, sirota moved sister station khow co-host afternoon drive program former george w. bush administration fema director michael d. brown, rundown sirota , brown. of january 7, 2013, no longer works @ clear channel denver, , show called michael brown show. contributor young turks.

hostile takeover

in may 2006, random house s crown publishers released sirota s book hostile takeover. first chapter of book published in new york times in july 2006. sirota read sections of book in public. in book, sirota argued corporate interests driving u.s. economic policy. book became new york times bestseller on july 9, 2006, entering @ #23 on nonfiction list. paperback edition came out year later.

sirota s hostile takeover (2006) reviewed new york times critic tobin harshaw described sirota montana-based blogger take-no-prisoners mind-set admirably organized mind . harshaw applauded sirota suggestions admirably specific, realistic , arguably on side of angels , capable of bipartisan support, such recommendations regulating malpractice insurance doctors ... restoring state control on class-action laws ... (and) forcing chief executives certify corporate tax returns face liability fraud. felt sirota critical of mainstream democratic centrists . harshaw criticized writing style cliched , oppressive , lengthy , needing editor, admitted sirota presented creditable analysis.

sirota responded harshaw s review in letter editor. sirota denied book critical of mainstream democrats aimed squarely @ exposing republican hypocrisy. described position centrist exploration of corruption of entire system isn t fault of 1 party or another.

there controversy in 2007 whether sirota journalist or activist . while washington press corps tends see him activist , @ 1 point criticized skirting rules access congress, on occasions deny activists access, getting temporary intern s id ; gave him access senate chamber, criticized in washington post afterwards. described having pulled end-run around press galleries. sirota denied got special access , such claim bizarre. added: think lot of reporters on hill want monopolize access our government way preserve monopoly on news guess. there comments other journalists activists well; 1 noted (weekly standard columnist) fred barnes has credentials, espouses political views.

the uprising

sirota s book uprising released in june 2008. ranked 20th on new york times bestseller list on june 15, 2008. book listed on new york times political bestseller list month of july 2008. sirota made speeches book @ venues such hofstra university.

a positive review of uprising publishers weekly described book chronicling how ordinary citizens on right , left marshaling frustrations government uprisings across country. reviewer cited entertaining case studies conversational tone , fast-paced narrative numerous high notes. sirota gave fine elucidation of continuing democratic support iraq war , examined echo chamber qualities of beltway television shows hardball. book presents rousing account of local uprisings in effect.

a newark star-ledger political critic reviewing book described sirota enterprising reporter used resourceful tactics entry such venues capitol hill, microsoft campus, exxonmobil stockholders meeting, , mexican border. in book, sirota attacks cnn star lou dobbs less endless broadcasts on illegal immigration more way browbeats staff , runs roughshod on cnn management. critic felt book s search national uprising out of focus lively read.


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