Description Amanita muscaria var. guessowii

1 description

1.1 cap
1.2 gills
1.3 spores
1.4 stipe
1.5 microscopic features


the cap 4.5–16 (18) cm wide, convex, , becomes broadly convex flat in age. bright yellow or yellow-orange, more orange or reddish orange towards disc, , fading pale yellow. volva distributed on cap cream pale tan warts; otherwise smooth , sticky when wet. margin becomes striate in age. flesh white , not stain when cut or injured.


the gills free narrowly adnate, subcrowded crowded, cream pale cream, truncate, unevenly distributed, of diverse lengths, , plentiful.


amanita muscaria var. guessowii spores white in deposit, broadly ellipsoid ellipsoid (infrequently subglobose or elongate) , inamyloid. spores (7.0–) 8.7-12.2 (-14.8) x (5.9) 6.5–8.2 (9.5) µm.


the stipe (4)6 –15 x 1–3 cm, more or less equal or narrowing upwards , flaring @ apex. white yellowish cream, densely stuffed pith, skirtlike ring membranous, persistent, lower stipe , upper bulb decorated partial or complete concentric rings of volval material bright pale yellow cream or sordid cream.

microscopic features

clamps present @ bases of basidia.


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