Elliptical Stern

diagram of circular stern designed sir richard seppings.

the visual unpopularity of seppings circular stern rectified sir william symonds. in revised stern, set of straight post timbers (also called whiskers , horn timbers , or fan tail timbers ) stretches keel diagonally aft , upward. rests on top of sternpost , runs on either side of rudder post (thus creating helm port through rudder passes) point above vessel s waterline. whereas timbers of transom stern heeled on wing transom, timbers of elliptical stern heel on whiskers, affixed @ 45̊ angle (i.e., canted ) when viewed overhead , decrease in length installed aft until curvature complete. finished stern has continuous curved edge around outside , raked aft. other names elliptical stern include counter stern, in reference long counter, , cutaway stern. elliptical stern began use during age of sail, remained popular both merchant , warships nautical age of steam , through first 8 decades of steamship construction (roughly 1840–1920), despite fact design left rudder exposed , vulnerable in combat situations.


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