Floods Climate of Pakistan

pakistan has seen many floods, worst , destructive recent 2010 pakistan floods, other floods caused destruction in history of pakistan, include flood of 1950, killed 2910 people; on 1 july 1977 heavy rains , flooding in karachi, killed 248 people, according pakistan meteorological department 207 millimetres (8.1 in) of rain fell in 24 hours. in 1992 flooding during monsoon season killed 1,834 people across country, in 1993 flooding during monsoon rains killed 3,084 people, in 2003 sindh province badly affected due monsoon rains causing damages in billions, killed 178 people, while in 2007 cyclone yemyin submerged lower part of balochistan province in sea water killing 380 people. before killed 213 people in karachi on way balochistan.

2010 floods

2010 july floods swept 20% of pakistan s land, flood result of unprecedented monsoon rains lasted 28 july 31 july 2010. khyber pakhtunkhwa , north eastern punjab badly affected during monsoon rains when dams, rivers , lakes overflowed. mid-august, according governmental federal flood commission (ffc), floods had caused deaths of @ least 1,540 people, while 2,088 people had received injuries, 557,226 houses had been destroyed, , on 6 million people had been displaced. 1 month later, data had been updated reveal 1,781 deaths, 2,966 people injuries, , more 1.89 million homes destroyed. flood affected more 20 million people exceeding combined total of individuals affected 2004 indian ocean tsunami, 2005 kashmir earthquake , 2010 haiti earthquake. flood considered worst in pakistan s history affecting people of 4 provinces , gilgit–baltistan , azad kashmir region of pakistan.

2011 sindh floods

the 2011 sindh floods began during monsoon season in mid-august 2011, resulting heavy monsoon rains in sindh, eastern balochistan, , southern punjab. floods have caused considerable damage; estimated 270 civilians have been killed, 5.3 million people , 1.2 million homes affected. sindh fertile region , called breadbasket of country; damage , toll of floods on local agrarian economy said extensive. @ least 1.7 million acres of arable land has been inundated result of flooding. flooding has been described worst since 2010 pakistan floods, devastated entire country. unprecedented torrential monsoon rains caused severe flooding in 16 districts of sindh province.


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