Polymorphisms Vasopressin receptor 1A

1 polymorphisms

1.1 rs3
1.2 rs1
1.3 other microsatellites


the avpr1a repeat polymorphism rs3 complex (ct)4-tt-(ct)8-(gt)24 repeat 3625 bp upstream of transcription start site.

homozygosity in allele 334 of rs3 associated in men (but not women) problems pair-bonding behavior, measured traits such partner bonding, perceived marital problems, marital status, spousal perception of marital quality.

in study of 203 male , female university students, participants short (308-325 bp) vs. long (327-342) versions of rs3 less generous, measured lower scores on both money allocations in dictator game, self-report bardi-schwartz universalism , benevolence value-expressive behavior scales; although precise functional significance of longer avpr1a rs3 repeats not known, associated higher avpr1a postmortem hippocampal mrna levels.

relative other alleles, 334 allele of rs3 shows overactivation of left amygdala (in response fearful face stimuli), longer variants of rs3 additionally associated stronger amygdala activation.


the avpr1a repeat polymorphism rs1 (gata)14 tetranucleotide repeat 553 bp upstream transcription start site. allele 320 in rs1 associated increased novelty seeking , decreased harm avoidance; additionally, relative other alleles, 320 allele of rs1 showed less activity in left amygdala, shorter variants showing trend of stronger activity.

other microsatellites

the agat polymorphism associated age of first intercourse in females, homozygous long repeats more have sex before age 15 other genotype. however, there no evidence of preferential transmission of avpr1a microsatellite repeats hypersexual or uninhibited people-seeking.

polymorphisms in avpr1a have been shown associated social interaction skills, , have been linked such diverse traits dancing , musical ability, altruism , autism.

chimpanzees populations have individuals single (only (gt)25 microsatellite) , duplicated (the (gt)25 microsatellite rs3) alleles, allele frequencies of 0.795 , 0.205, respectively.


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