Development Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

after years of speculation, development dark dawn officially announced @ e3 2009.

talk of third entry in golden sun series began lost age released in 2002. year later, camelot stated current status of third game ... still in air , while studio s founding brothers hiroyuki , shugo takahashi stated in 2004 interview scenarios of first 2 games intended prologues real event yet come , rumors @ time suggesting third title might surface on nintendo gamecube.

speculation persisted, , series creators takahashi brothers commented in october 2007 still wanted make third game, going far have , nintendo had asked them make another. claimed wished give title development time deserved. in april 2008, nintendo power magazine interviewed shugo takahashi on 1 of latest games. when questioned regarding third golden sun, enigmatically replied, new golden sun? well, think want play new rpg, too.

hoaxes began spreading in absence of definitive reports new installment in franchise. notably, fake nintendo ds game called golden sun: solar soothsayer shown off @ small pre-e3 2007 gathering. after officials announced hoax, hoax s creator confessed made in order generate more discussion series , sequel. learning hoax after release of dark dawn, hiroyuki takahashi commented golden soothsayer s premise sounds cool ... want see how turn out!

in 2009, nintendo announced development of then-untitled third installment of series nintendo ds @ electronic entertainment expo (e3), release date set 2010 holiday season. next year @ e3 2010, title s name announced golden sun: dark dawn , playable demo made available attendees.

in interview weekly famitsu in july 2010, shugo takahashi stated unlike predecessors, entry independent work. hiroyuki takahashi commented on unnaturally long development cycle of golden sun games, due large background , storyline. said burned out after release of lost age , team needed cool down before begin on dark dawn...and develop fresh feelings. when development commenced, camelot gave them larger team ones worked on previous games, allowed luxuries such visiting various unesco world heritage sites influence , develop story.


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