Domestic policy Charles IV of France

a charles iv tournois coin; charles debased french coinage during reign, creating unpopularity.

charles came power following troublesome 2 years in south of france, local nobles had resisted elder brother philip v s plans fiscal reform, , brother had fallen fatally ill during progress of region. charles undertook rapid steps assert own control, executing count of l isle-jourdain, troublesome southern noble, , making own royal progress. charles, relatively educated king, founded famous library @ fontainebleau.

during six-year reign charles administration became increasingly unpopular. debased coinage own benefit, sold offices, increased taxation, exacted burdensome duties, , confiscated estates enemies or disliked. closely involved in jewish issues during period. charles father, philip iv, had confiscated estates of numerous jews in 1306, , charles took vigorous, unpopular, steps call in christian debts these accounts. following 1321 leper scare, in numerous jews had been fined alleged involvement in conspiracy poison wells across france through local lepers, , charles worked hard execute these fines. finally, charles @ least acquiesced, or @ worst actively ordered, in expulsion of many jews france following leper scare.


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