Health effects Pesticide

a sign warning potential pesticide exposure.

pesticides may cause acute , delayed health effects in people exposed. pesticide exposure can cause variety of adverse health effects, ranging simple irritation of skin , eyes more severe effects such affecting nervous system, mimicking hormones causing reproductive problems, , causing cancer. 2007 systematic review found studies on non-hodgkin lymphoma , leukemia showed positive associations pesticide exposure , concluded cosmetic use of pesticides should decreased. there substantial evidence of associations between organophosphate insecticide exposures , neurobehavioral alterations. limited evidence exists other negative outcomes pesticide exposure including neurological, birth defects, , fetal death.

the american academy of pediatrics recommends limiting exposure of children pesticides , using safer alternatives:

owing inadequate regulation , safety precautions, 99% of pesticide related deaths occur in developing countries account 25% of pesticide usage.

one study found pesticide self-poisoning method of choice in 1 third of suicides worldwide, , recommended, among other things, more restrictions on types of pesticides harmful humans.

a 2014 epidemiological review found associations between autism , exposure pesticides, noted available evidence insufficient conclude relationship causal.

the world health organization , un environment programme estimate each year, 3 million workers in agriculture in developing world experience severe poisoning pesticides, 18,000 of whom die. according 1 study, many 25 million workers in developing countries may suffer mild pesticide poisoning yearly. there several careers aside agriculture may put individuals @ risk of health effects pesticide exposure including pet groomers, groundskeepers, , fumigators.


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