Plot Kya: Dark Lineage

the titular character, kya

kya: dark lineage begins protagonist kya , half-brother frank home alone. in upstairs bedroom, kya hears suspicious noise , follows downstairs finds frank in unknown room in basement. while speaking kya s father, frank unwittingly finishes mysterious puzzle on table, opening portal sucks in both kya , frank. kya awakens 3 nativs (animal-like creatures) looking down on her. ambushed , chased through jungle feral werewolves called wolfen/wolfun. 1 of nativs captured during chase. kya , aton reach strange village, called nativ city, , meets village leader atea.

atea explains wolfen/wolfun merely nativs mutated brazul (formerly alan), kya s father. kya resolves save frank , introduced akasa, teaches how fight using mystical bracelets enhance strength. kya blessed power allows exorcize unconscious wolfen/wolfun , transform them nativs.

in return freeing excorcized nativs, atea agrees kya find half-brother. kya learns must find magical medallion allow return own universe. medallion split 7 runes, emblems made of pure energy, must housed in special amulet. during course of tracking down runes, aton leads kya industrialized area dedicated mining magical amber. aton betrays kya, allowing brazul ambush her. during course of fight kya collapses part of mine escape.

eventually discovers frank being held in brazul s laboratory, , assaults complex rescue him. upon arriving in lab proper, horrified learn brazul has turned frank wolfen/wolfun. kya defeats wolfen/wolfun frank , performs exorcism ritual returns him human form. kya goes on gather last runes required return home though ambushed again brazul, takes 7 runes her. kya learns half alien , escapes imprisonment.

kya journeys brazul s fortress,she fights , knocks out aton wolfen/wolfun when gets chance exorcise him doesn t because of falling, heavy crystals.kya heads brazul , runes.after difficult battle, kya defeats brazul , returns victorious cheering nativ city, activates portal , finds herself in desolate place not home. kya , frank in desert island , attacked creature.

the story ends here, if wolfens exorcised cuts credits.


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