Differences from Buddhism Buddhist influences on Advaita Vedanta

1 differences buddhism

1.1 atman , anatta
1.2 epistemology
1.3 ontology

differences buddhism
atman , anatta

advaita vedanta holds premise, soul exists, , soul (or self, atman) self evident truth . buddhism, in contrast, holds premise, atman not exist, , an-atman (or anatta, non-self) self evident .

buddhists not believe @ core of human beings , living creatures, there eternal, essential , absolute called soul, self or atman . buddhists reject concept , doctrines associated atman, call atman illusion (maya), asserting instead theory of no-self , no-soul . buddhism, earliest days, has denied existence of self, soul in core philosophical , ontological texts. in contrast advaita describes knowing 1 s own soul identical brahman path nirvana, in soteriological themes, buddhism has defined nirvana blissful state when person realizes or has no self, no soul .


the epistemological foundations of buddhism , advaita vedanta different. buddhism accepts 2 valid means reliable , correct knowledge – perception , inference, while advaita vedanta accepts six. however, buddhists in history, have argued buddhist scriptures reliable source of spiritual knowledge, corresponding advaita s Śabda pramana, buddhists have treated scriptures form of inference method.


advaita vedanta substance ontology, ontology holds underlying seeming change, variety, , multiplicity of existence there unchanging , permanent entities (the so-called substances) . in contrast, buddhism understood process ontology, according there exists nothing permanent , unchanging, within or without man . kalupahanan (1994) describes there current in buddhism favours substance ontology , sees madhyamaka , yogacara reactions against developments toward substance ontology in buddhism.

advaita s 3 levels of reality theory, states renard (2010, p. 130), built on 2 levels of reality found in madhyamika.

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