Education Stoke-on-Trent

1 education

1.1 higher education
1.2 secondary education
1.3 potters holidays

higher education

staffordshire university stoke campus.

there 4 higher education institutions in local area, 2 further education colleges being city of stoke-on-trent sixth form college , stoke-on-trent college. formerly of fenton, located in newly built structure on leek road, sixth form college provides a-level teaching around 1,800 students. stoke-on-trent college larger , less specialised, offering apprenticeships , adult education, , has main campus (cauldon campus) in shelton, , secondary campus in burslem.

the city home staffordshire university (formerly north staffordshire polytechnic), main site in shelton, near stoke-on-trent railway station. gained university status in 1992 1 of post-1992 universities. keele university school of medicine uses facilities @ royal stoke university hospital in hartshill. keele university founded university college of north staffordshire in 1949 major involvement stoke-on-trent city council, , located in nearby village of keele.

secondary education

the city has 15 secondary schools: birches head academy, co-operative academy of stoke-on-trent, discovery academy, excel academy, haywood academy, ormiston horizon academy, ormiston sir stanley matthews academy, st joseph s college, st margaret ward catholic academy, st peter s academy, st thomas more catholic academy, sandon high school, stoke studio college (with sites in longton , burslem), thistley hough academy , trentham high school.

a major re-structure of stoke-on-trent s high school system proposed in 2007. part of these plans several established secondary schools closed or merged including longton high school (closed 2010), mitchell high , edensor high (merged form discovery academy), st. peter s ce high school , berry hill high (merged form st peter s academy).

potters holidays

one of legacies of pottery industry stoke s own version of wakes week. although better known in industrial lancashire, stoke week known locally potters holidays or potters fortnight , occurred last week in june, first week in july , week in august. gave appeared strange school holidays—with summer term having two-week break @ end of june, children returning school 3 weeks before taking five-week summer holiday. observance has disappeared local schools, due decreased emphasis on traditional industries.


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