Biographical William Warrington

in youth, warrington first trained father painter of armorial shields. moved time stained glass workshop of thomas willement, 1 of earliest such workshops of high renown. in 1832 warrington established own stained glass company, produced windows satisfied rising fashion of gothic revival , in own skills armorial painter utilised in production of domestic ecclesiastical windows.

from studying existent ancient windows , emulation of leading techniques of master thomas willement, warrington developed style allowed him create windows resembling of 13th , 14th centuries in appearance. windows became preferred choice of architect augustus welby pugin used them in of earliest churches, between 1838 , 1842.

but pugin fall out warrington, claiming “the glass-painters shorten days, greatest plague have. reason did not give warrington window @ hospital this. has lately become conceited , got expensive willement.” warrington produced drawings of windows used pugin in houses of parliament, firms pugin employed ballantine , allen , hardman & co.

in 1848 warrington published “the history of stained glass, earliest period of art present time” . book came out in folio edition coloured lithographs illustrating british stained glass windows 11th 15th centuries. warrington expressed dislike of glass of centuries followed being “a misconception , misapplication of art.”

among warrington s significant commissions tiered arrangement of windows eastern apse of norwich cathedral. designed ely cathedral, work may still seen, both installed , on display in stained glass museum.

after warrington’s death in 1869, firm continued until 1875.


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