Cause Widerøe Flight 839

værøy airport closed following accident

the runway @ værøy airport, runs east–west, ran parallel mountain south 500 m (1,600 ft) tall. prior construction, widerøe had performed test flights in area, , these had concluded unacceptable wind conditions, particularly south on mountain. 31 october 1988, widerøe introduced self-imposed restrictions on landing @ værøy. aircraft not allowed land or take off if wind came 090°–240° (though south) if wind speed exceeded 20 knots (37 km/h), including gusts. additional restrictions introduced following incident on 18 january 1989; these again modified on 1 november 1989. flight 839 took off within permitted limits of these restrictions. however, twin otters not operate on ground during winds exceeded 50 knots (93 km/h), , since aircraft started taxiing following report of wind speeds of 57 knots (106 km/h), breach of procedure. wind changed direction after take-off.

the aircraft had not had mechanical or technical errors or problems prior take-off. turbulence , wind shear caused crack in either tail rudder, tailplane, or both. caused strong winds acting on both sides of structure, due shifting winds. these structural failures caused aircraft crash. out of 63 seconds take-off impact, aircraft under control first 55 seconds; during last 8 seconds did crew not have control on aircraft.

the accident investigation board norway stated in report crew should not have landed amounts of wind reported, , definitively should not have taken off. however, since wind came west, pilots reported cause less fewer problems other directions, may have decided ignore wind exceeding permitted values. in particular, accident investigation board criticized choice of taxiing in 57 knots (106 km/h), 7 knots (13 km/h) above permitted wind speed ground operation , far on permitted levels take-off airport. board commented although common cancel flights værøy, no flights had been canceled after plane had landed, instead being canceled prior landing. board commented flight being last before easter, may have influenced pilots sense of duty towards getting passengers destinations. may have been aggravated low regularity @ værøy. board commented pilots did not trust wind data received, since experienced incorrect , wind vary considerably within airport. while plane @ ground, had been raining. pilots @ værøy experienced weather better between rain showers, , there indications captain wanted take-off before next rain shower hit.

the accident investigation board concluded:

the cause of accident plane during climb subject wind succeeded planes construction criteria. caused crack in tail rudder/tailplane causing plane become uncontrollable.


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