Employment Reservation poverty

1 employment

1.1 unemployment rates on ten largest reservations
1.2 education
1.3 banking institutions
1.4 geographic isolation
1.5 problematic behaviors


the official unemployment rate on reservations of 2000 census 14 percent, there variation. reservations nearer urban centers, on east coast, tend have employment rates similar or higher national average. on many large, rural reservations, though, majority of adults unemployed or out of workforce. on reservations in california, oregon, nevada, arizona, utah, florida, washington, new mexico, nebraska, montana, , alaska, reservation unemployment rates above 25 percent. on california reservations, number exceeds 75 percent.

out of adult population without jobs, unemployment rates include both able work , actively looking work. on reservations, larger portion out of labor force entirely, meaning either unable work or not actively looking employment. because of severity of lack of employment opportunities, many residents not actively seeking work. people tend hear of job opportunities through informal networks, rather through conventional postings , applications. such, individual might desiring employment, not take proactive steps needed defined looking work. researchers have suggested asking reservation residents if seek job opportunities when occur more accurate measure of unemployment asking if had applied work recently.

unemployment rates on ten largest reservations

figures 2000 census.

there few jobs available on reservation. schools biggest employer, followed various public service positions postal service, commodity , provisions office, , tribal police forces. troublesomely, lack of quality educational systems , job opportunities has created reservation workforce lacks training , education demanded many professions. because reservation residents have not had opportunity receive formal training , credentialing, not eligible few jobs available. tribal leadership , administrative positions staffed individuals off reservation, or other reservations, because of required levels of training or experience.

rural areas tend lack jobs promotion opportunities, , rural residents must migrate cities employment , advancement opportunity. however, reservation residents able meet educational , requirements of jobs off reservation, , in addition, encounter discrimination employers hesitant hire reservation natives.

the lack of formally educated, experienced workers , entrepreneurs opens reservations exploitation outside firms looking capitalize on resources of reservation land. although land incredibly isolated geographically , absent of natural resources or productive potential, areas hold potential development. such development, though, requires substantial amount invested @ onset build necessary infrastructure. tribes @ disadvantage, not having resources or specialists needed. such, contract development out firms off reservation, keep great majority of profits.

although tribe receives nominal amount of profits, lose rights land , potential sovereign development. rule of native lands non-natives off reservation particularly prevalent on many large reservations in midwest , rocky mountain regions. although land provides opportunity ranching, few reservation residents possess capital required raise cattle. instead, lease land non-native ranchers minimal amounts. reservation residents not have alternative ways of making money on reservation, ranchers can drive lease rates down mere dollars year.


the boarding school system had doubly negative effect of inadequately educating generation of reservation youth while simultaneously fostering resentment of formal education. through boarding school era, westernized education synonymous cultural destruction. since abolition of boarding schools, levels of formal educational attainment have remained low. overall, on half of adults on reservations have high school diploma. reservation residents high school graduation rate half of american indians in united states. on gila river reservation in arizona, has 1 of lowest educational attainment levels in country, barely 1 third of adults possess credential.

on reservations, more individuals have less ninth grade education have college diploma. more 10 percent lack high school education. not uncommon on reservations in california , new mexico have more half population less ninth grade education. in north dakota, nevada, california, new mexico, south dakota, utah, colorado, , wyoming, many reservations have on 3 quarters of population without high school degrees. compared 12 percent nationwide.

banking institutions

there few commercial banks or lending institutions located on reservations. reservations seen high-risk areas place financial institutions, because of lack of potential investors , overall dearth of economic activity. of 2008, there 6 banks , 7 credit unions operated american indians on reservations. without formal financial institutions, many reservation residents unable save or invest income have, , not have access loans homes, cars, or businesses.

due lack of commercial establishments, non-cash transactions common on reservations. although bartering system can function within reservation community, inhibits economic interaction off reservation or on other reservations, meaning, non-cash economies serve further isolate reservation residents national or global economy.

geographic isolation

for employment, education, , financial opportunity, many reservation residents expected leave reservation. however, reservations placed intentionally far urban centers, , many of roads serving these areas substandard. many key roads never designed or built vehicular traffic. according bureau of indian affairs, 15% of 28,000 miles of reservation roads in acceptable conditions , pass current safety regulations.

furthermore, quarter of reservation households not have access vehicle. however, barely 1 percent of reservation residents rely on kind of public transportation. although federal government has made funds available improve transportation on reservations, local transportation authorities have not taken advantage of these monies. these local authorities lack human capital needed engineer , carry out improvements. lack of safe roads , adequate transportation further isolates reservation communities , strengthens neighborhood effects of concentrated poverty.

problematic behaviors

the rate of violent crime on reservations more twice national average. although not heavily studied, gang violence problem on navajo , pine ridge reservations. extent such activity on other reservations topic future inquiry, although 1 fourth of national sample of reservation residents report gang activity in communities.

the use of drugs, alcohol, , cigarettes on reservations higher national averages. true among youth, rate of youth drug use among reservation populations more twice of general population. suicide rate among reservation residents twice of general population, suggesting troubling psychological impact of living in areas of extreme , concentrated poverty. in fact, among youth ages 15–24, suicide leading cause of death on reservations.


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