Exhibits closed after the 1990s Bronx Zoo
1 exhibits closed after 1990s
1.1 big birds
1.2 world of darkness
1.3 rare animal range
1.4 skyfari
1.5 monkey house
1.6 amazing amphibians
1.7 dinosaur safari
exhibits closed after 1990s
big birds
big birds short-lived exhibit preceded rare animal range in late 1990s focused on large ratites. featured species emu, ostrich, greater rhea, , double-wattled cassowary.
ostriches can found mixed giraffes in african plains.
world of darkness
world of darkness opened in 1969 , world s first major exhibit designed around nocturnal animals. built morris ketchum, jr. & associates, house built zoo s rocking stone restaurant stood until 1942. exhibit used red-lights dimly illuminate enclosures within windowless building. nocturnal exhibits, house ran on reversed lighting schedule, simulated night , day @ opposite times allow visitors view nocturnal animals in more naturalistic setting. due budget cuts , high-cost of running exhibit, closed in 2009 @ time of closing, exhibited species included rodrigues flying fox, western bay duiker, javan slow loris, pygmy slow loris, chinese leopard cat (prionailurus bengalensis chinensis), arabian sand cat, naked mole-rat, hoffmann s two-toed sloth, broad-snouted caiman, , cane toad.
the flying fox can still seen in jungleworld, can pygmy slow loris, returned zoo in 2015 after six-year absence. cane toad can viewed in world of reptiles mixed zoo s anaconda. until 2014, mouse lemurs still seen on-exhibit in madagascar!, though went off-exhibit. after few year s absence, however, went on-exhibit again in 2016.
rare animal range
rare animal range trail focused on highly endangered species. featured species included guanaco, formosan sika deer, pied ruffed lemurs, , blue-eyed black lemurs. exhibit had duplicate enclosures zoo s arabian oryx, blesbok, père david s deer, , broad-snouted caiman large pond pair of small islands in center home pair of golden-cheeked gibbons. due budget cuts , unpopularity of many of species, zoo forced close exhibit in 2009.
while of species left zoo when exhibit closed, formosan sika deer moved wild asia monorail , père david s deer remained in primary enclosure across tiger mountain. while no longer @ zoo, pied ruffed lemurs can still seen @ zoo s partner institute, central park zoo. zoo s popular dinosaur safari ran through part of area , zoo s yearly run wild event runs through entirety.
the skyfari popular gondola lift transported visitors zoo center asian plaza, running on african plains , several other popular exhibits @ zoo. seasonal exhibit ran april october , rose between 60-100-feet in air. around 490,000 riders annually, lift zoo s third popular attraction after congo gorilla forest , wild asia monorail. despite popularity, ticket sales barely breaking , maintenance costs led loss of profit. on july 8, 2008, high winds , heat led 1 of cars derailing, trapped 3 dozen passengers 5 hours. due this, along heavy budget cuts, lift permanently closed in january 2009, after 30 years of operation.
monkey house
the monkey house, first opened in 1901 , named primate house , closed in late february 2012 after 111 years of operation. @ time of closing, home cotton-top tamarins, white-faced sakis, wied s marmosets, moustached tamarins, black-chinned emperor tamarins, goeldi s monkeys, , grey-handed night-monkeys, brazilian porcupines , pallas s long-tongued bats. building ota benga spent of time during stay @ zoo.
some of primates in now-closed exhibit have been moved other parts of zoo, such cotton-top tamarins being found in world of birds; others sent other new york city zoos, such sakis being moved central park zoo. white-headed capuchins can still seen in outdoor cage behind building.
amazing amphibians
amazing amphibians short-lived exhibition opened in zoo s zoo center in june 2008 , remained few years. exhibit featured several educational displays on amphibian conservation few terrariums containing several amphibian species. highlight species included chacoan horned frog, puerto rican crested toad, smooth-sided toad, , common mudpuppy.
while none of these species on-exhibit @ zoo, puerto rican crested toads can seen @ central park zoo, breeds species reintroduction puerto rico.
dinosaur safari
dinosaur safari temporary exhibit ran through summer months of 2013. exhibit took visitors on safari ride through off-exhibit 2-acre wooded area , featured 2 dozen animatronic dinosaur species throughout time, starting @ 300-million-years ago in permian period , ending 235-million-years later in cretaceous period. ride lasted approximately 20 minutes. robo-saurs manufactured billings productions, lease them out sites on world. exhibit featured more popular species such triceratops , brachiosaurus, less well-known species such pachycephalosaurus. ride s dilophosaurus spits water @ visitors nod species acid-spitting abilities seen in spielberg classic, jurassic park, despite fact there no scientific evidence support living animal did so. due popularity, exhibit returned in 2014 , ran april 12 november 2. exhibition did not return in 2015.
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