Jardins du Trocad.C3.A9ro .281878-1937.29 History of parks and gardens of Paris

the trocadero palace , gardens @ paris universal exposition of 1900.

at exposition of 1878, gardens of trocadero displayed full-size head of statue of liberty, before statue completed , shipped new york.

the trocadero had been site of country house of catherine de medici, of monastery, destroyed during french revolution. napoleon had projected build palace son there; king louis xviii planned build monument there battle of trocadero in 1823. under napoleon iii, alphand had built basin, paths radiating outwards, large lawn, , stairway descending hill down edge of river.

when site chosen in 1876 part of paris universal exposition of 1878, architects gabriel davioud , jules bordais chosen construct palais de trocadero, massive temporary structure in vaguely moorish style, large rotunda flanked 2 towers, curving wings on either side. gardens, designed alphand, occupied slope palace on top of hill down seine. center of garden occupied long series of cascades ending in large basin @ bottom @ bottom of hill. cascade lined statues of animals , of female figures representing 5 continents (the statues decorate square next musée d orsay). largest piece of statuary in garden head of statue of liberty, made before rest of statue, , displayed in order raise funds completion.

when exposition finished, gardens redesigned english landscape garden; groves of trees planted, winding paths laid out, , stream , grotto constructed. gardens remained in place paris universal exposition of 1889. paris international exposition of 1937 palace replaced modernist structure , fountains rebuilt, picturesque gardens on hillsidewere left were. (see parks , gardens of 1930s below).


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